Have any WF customers connected Workfront and Jira either via the add on or via Fusion? Would love to chat about use cases and gather feedback. Thank you.
I’ve used the native WF Jira plug-in, happy to chat. Note that the plug-in is not available for Jira Data Center, only Jira Cloud. Look into what you have first.
And if you have Jira Data Center, vote on this idea
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Thank you, Madalyn! I confirmed with our Jira folks that they are using Jira Cloud. I'll reach out next week to set up some time chat soon, if that works for you!
No problem. You’ll also want to identify who has admin Jira account access on the Jira side before you get into it, you’ll need to work with that person.
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Hi, Madalyn - would you mind sending me a message with a few dates/times next week and the week following, and I'll coordinate with my co-workers? Thank you!
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