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Should On Hold tasks show up in Work List or Resource Management / Workload Balancer?


Level 2

There was a discussion where a Workfront member confirmed that tasks of projects On Hold should remain in the Work List.

I feel that those tasks should be removed from both the Work List as well as the Workload Balancer or any Resource Management tool within WF.

Will a user work on tasks of a project that is on hold? If the answer is no,

  • the planned hours are inaccurate
  • the task is distracting to a worker

This same notion is why I wish the planned hours were removed from the Workload Balancer. I've noticed On Hold projects still show up and the planned hours are still allocated to a worker for that week or month when I'm putting the project on hold for additional details or clarification from the requester.

An answer to the Work List issue was this article.


I'm not sure how I feel about this as a solution. Making a custom status that says On Hold, but it equates with the Planning status just to remove the tasks from a Work List.

Can someone tell me the benefits of keeping the tasks showing in the Work List and in Resources for projects that are On Hold? It just seems to me that it would be causing inaccuracies in planned hours and workload for users.


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1 Reply


Level 10

Hi - so to confirm the task only stays if the user has click the Work On It button on the task or issue. If it is still a work request, it does go away.

However, with that said, we hate that way of working. The employee doesn't know they are working on a project that is on hold until they go to hit the done button and it says they cannot finish it because the project on hold. No, they need to know that before hand so they don't waste time on it.

We created our own On Hold to remove items from the list right away. Never has there been a situation where an employee has had to work on an On Hold project.

As for Workload Balancer, right now in production, there are no filters. It is showing everything even if you have a custom filter. In the 2020.2 release next week, the ability to filter by project status will be in the tool and then you can make it just be Current and/or any other project status you'd like.