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Reporting on timesheets


Level 8
Does anyone know a way to report on when staff have submitted their timesheets? We're switching from another system to Workfront as the source of truth for hours logged to projects. I'd like a team leader (timesheet approver) to have a report which shows the date and time of every timesheet submission so they can chat with those who are habitually late. I can play around with last note (Notes worked quite well in auditing approval flows) but it seems to me if someone adds a comment, it becomes the 'last note' and the timestamp is wrong. Any thoughts?

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11 Replies


Level 2
Barry, Thank you for your inquiry. Currently, there isn't a field in our object model that is tied to the date a Timesheet is submitted for approval (or approved). As you mentioned, there are ways to track it via Last Note or Last Update dates, but those are not consistent and can change when other users make changes/comments. The only way I can think of you tracking this in a consistent manner is probably more work than it's worth. You could always have users create Ad Hocs tasks when submitting Timesheets (or something of the sort), and then track the dates of that task. Best bet is to submit a Product Enhancement request to our Product Team for this (it's a good idea), and potentially create a process using Last Note or Last Update dates. Let me know if you have further questions. Thanks, Tyler


Level 10
Hi - We have automated reports that come out every week, for each portfolio, that show all of the overdue timesheets. I also have a single report that shows IT-wide who has late timesheets and when they should have been submitted. Maybe we can't solve your problem the exact way you are suggesting, but instead solve it a different way. Please send me an email at eric.lucas@crowley.com and I'll send to you samples of our overdue timesheet reports.


Level 8
Thanks Eric. We have a report for team leaders that shows all their staff, and the status of their timesheet that week, and one for our PMO that lists all overdue timesheets for the week. The problem is, when we have a repeat offender I want the team leader to be able to sit down and say "Look at your timesheet history for the last two months. You haven't got a single one in on time, and only once were you less than two days late.". Even keeping the weekly reports, it only shows that status at the time the report is run "I must have got in in a minute after you ran the report. Honest!") and doesn't really help us work with recalcitrants.


Level 10
Ah, I see what you’re looking for. Yes, that would be nice. Let me ponder that for a bit. There MUST be a way… Eric


Level 2
The issue ends up being that there's no stored field in object model that would contain a date for when a timesheet was submitted. There are definitely some possibilities here, but it would involve extra steps in your process. Such as creating objects when a timesheet is submitted, through manual creation or scripting. There may be options with our partners, such as AtAppStore or LeapPoint for something like that. Last thought I had on this is to enable the Email Notification for your approvers for Timesheets. You won't be able to report on the information in Workfront, but when your approver receives an email notification for a timesheet submission, it gives you an exact date and time of when that was submitted, so you can use that to track historicals. Hope this helps! Tyler


Level 8
Too bad we can't attach a custom form to a timesheet. Then you would be able to capture the date the status changes. Has anyone made a feature request for that yet?


Level 10
The reporting capabilities do not appear to present all attributes related to timesheets. If you open a timesheet that has activity, and look at the updates at the bottom, it is clear that WorkFront has the data we seek. Sure, we’d do some fancy text mode processing to pick out the specific updates we want. The problem appears to be that WorkFront simply doesn’t make any audit text available. Does anyone know where that timesheet audit text is stored? Thanks, Eric


Level 10
Yes, long ago…


Level 10
Hi all, Does anyone knows now the way how we could report on it? Anything changed? I was just trying to create a report to capture how long it takes to approve timesheet after it has been submitted. But unfortunately now positive results of it... Dagmara Garwell BAKKAVOR LTD


Level 4
I've been able to do this outside of Workfront using the API. You can get a list of all Journal Entry objects where the status of a time sheet has changed. The URI looks something like the following (obviously you can add more logic to filter out different time sheet profiles, statuses, or etc based on the API model): https://.my.workfront.com/attask/api/v9.0/jrnle/search?timesheet:ID_Mod=notblank&fieldName=status&fields=* From there, you have the following: newTextVal = The Status the timesheet was changed to. (Possible are O (Open), C (Closed), R (rejected), S (submitted) oldTextVal = The Status it was changed from editedByID = The ID of the user who made the change entryDate = The date the change was made IF newTextVal = O, then aux1 is the ID of the person whose time sheet it is. If newTextVal = S, then aux1 is the ID of the person who should be approving the timesheet If newTextVal = C, then aux1 is the text Closed and editedBy is the person who approved the timesheet. James Bender Jackson/JTS


Level 6

HI all, does anyone know whether it is now possible to easily report on the date a timesheet was submitted?