A few years ago we met with a consulting group to rebuild our Workfront workflow, as the original setup was cobbled together into something that barely worked. As a result, there are a lot of older requests, projects, and request queues that we are having issues removing from visibility. This current issue is one where a user in our team is seeing requests from as far back as 2018 in their Requests report, despite the fact that they are marked as complete. What another one of my associates seems to have found is that this is the primary issue at hand: "Requests without an Actual Completion Date or whose resolving object does not have an Actual Completion Date are listed in the My Open Requests subtab." Since the Actual Completion Date cannot be manually modified, there is no way to set it, and we end up with a situation where completed requests sit in limbo because they aren't technically complete. Short of deleting these requests, is there something, as the Admin, that I can do to resolve this? I have searched online, but there are little to no actual answers to my situation that I can find.
Thank you,