In case you missed it, "" Leap breakout session registration is now open for Orlando and sessions are already filling up fast! This year at Leap, we will offer 150+ breakout sessions from enterprise work management experts at Workfront and top customers. Visit the "" Leap 2020 Sessions Site to filter and favorite sessions, and print your top choices. We recommend doing this first, and then clicking the "Register Now" button to set your Leap agenda. Keep an eye out for more information on Leap London sessions as well. You can "" view the Leap London Sneak Peek here . I f you haven't heard, Leap London Early Bird pricing has been extended until March 6th and "" Lion Awards submissions for London has been extended until March 10th.
Whether you'll be joining us at Leap in Orlando or London, make the most of your time by reviewing Leap session options and securing your spot at the event today. We look forward to seeing you at Leap! Corporate Events Specialist Lisa Stringham