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How can I enter names of deactivated users?


Level 10
Hi - Lets say I want to create a report and look for all tasks on approved/active projects assigned to a particular deactivated user. When I try to filter on that user's name, it doesn't recognize the name. The filter seems to only know about active users. Does anyone know how I can enter the name of a deactivated user in a filter? Look at the attached screen shot to see what I mean. Thanks!
8 Replies


Level 8
Eric, I ran into the same issue. My solution was to activate them, run the report, then re-deactivate them. This way they show up when run the report and the report still works when you re-deactive them.


Level 3
Hi Eric, How about changing the filter to "Name" (from the "Assigned To" field rather than "Assigned To ID" from the "Task" field) and "contains" instead of equals? Kathy


Level 8
I just had to do an hour report on a deactivated user today. Just search for the user, and grab the user id from the URL. You can then put that id into the filter, and the deactivated user will show up in the dropdown. [cid:image001.png@01D234FF.F2F45790]


Level 10
Oh Adina, that is clever. I’ll give that a whirl. I used to re-activate the user, do the search, and then deactivate the user. What happens, however, is that the system will generate timesheets for that person when I reactivate them. If I want to reactivate them, I first have to remove their timesheet profile, so no timesheets get created only to become overdue and pollute my late timesheet reports unnecessarily. Thanks everyone! Eric


Level 5
Not sure if you are looking for a specific user, or just in general tasks / issues assigned to users no longer active. If the latter, create a task (or issue) report, with a filter of Assignment Users>Is Active = False. You may be surprised what you find opening it up that way.


Level 10
Definitely recommend running a report that has all tasks/projects/issues (whatever you are looking for) where the assignment User (or Project Owner if project) where Is Active is false. Then group by name. So much easier than activating and deactivating. :)


Level 10
That’s a great idea - identifying all tasks/projects assigned to people who aren’t active users anymore. We put that in our Project Quality Dashboard in January 2016 and amazingly enough, we had something just under 100 tasks assigned to deactivated users. We got that down to zero after a couple of months. Many PMs didn’t know that someone on the project team had left the company, so that report was their first clue that things changed. Thanks! Eric


Level 10
Adina, Works like a charm. Great tip. Thank you.