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Has anyone done any implementation where we could push documents from Workfront to other systems? We would like to push documents added to a project to another system from where the users could access it.


Level 4

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3 Replies


Community Advisor

which system are you proposing, and are you trying to avoid Fusion for any reason? (I see that Fusion has integrations with a number of file systems like box, dropbox, google docs/drive, sharepoint and probably others that I don't recognize, so I would think it would be possible to write a scenario that basically says for any file uploaded that satisfies a number of requirements, upload it to the system that you have a connection to.)


Level 4

We have 3rd party web app which is linked to WF via Salesforce. Now we want to be able to push either through WF-SF-then 3rd party tool. or maybe directly from WF to 3rd party tool if thats an option. We are not looking at Fusion currently due to some other reasons; trying to understand if we can do it without it.


Level 9

Reviving this thread....has anyone pushed from WF to Box?