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Can I not lose the approval process when I covert a request into a project?


Level 10
Currently our process is that a new project request is submitted via a Queue Topic which then goes through a pre-attached approval process to various people. When that completes, PMO then converts the request to a project. Sadly the approval process (so the individual ticks etc. that show on the 'Approvals' tab) are lost upon conversion, although of course you can manually scroll through the update stream to find the individual approvals. Is there a way around this? Jamie Hill JLL EMEA

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5 Replies


Level 7
Hi Jamie! I'm kind of surprised you didn't submit this ticket to us in Support. The only data that really carries over from Issue to Project, or Issue to Task, are custom forms. However, it only carries over if you have a form with the same fields, at the task level or project level. You can create 2 approval processes, one for the tissue and one for the task/project, and set up a template with the approval process on it. Once you convert the issue to a project, you can then attach the approval process to the project. Going about it this way, eliminates the need to create many approval processes, if you have them. I hope this helps! Thanks, Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
Hi Dustin, True, guess I just like the forum ;) I understand what you're saying -- however we wouldn't want to repeat the same approval process once the issue was converted to a project. In essence the approval on the issue (when the queue topic is "new project proposal") is to get approval for whether the submitted idea should become a fully fledged project - so when the conversion to a project occurs (post completion of the approval process) there would obviously be no need to repeat the same approval. I'm just thinking that it would be nice to retain the approval process history on the Approvals tab of the original issue as it shows a visual audit trail versus manually scrolling through the Updates tab. (I know the Status shows the result of the approval but from, say, an Internal Audit perspective they'd want to see the physical approvals) Jamie Jamie Hill JLL EMEA


Level 7
Ah, I understand Jamie. You could always do an issue report, add a filter and maybe a column for Issue Has Resolvables (true) and Resolve Project: Name (column). That'll show you if an issue was converted to a project. You could also add in a column for Approval Process: Name, and that'll confirm that the issue did indeed have an approval process. There's a few ways to get the data you want. Let me know if you want to dive deeper into this rabbit hole. Thanks! Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 4
Dustin, So this is standard Workfront functionality? If so, why does Workfront delete the approval process from the original request? It makes no sense... Daniel Martinez Banco Financiera Comercial Hondurena SA


Level 7
Hi Daniel, Workfront removes the approval process form the issue, once it's converted to a project, so the status changing from New/In Progress to Complete, doesn't get held up, when the project is completed. When you have a project that resolves an issue, the issue's status is no longer something you can change, as it's tied to the project, and thus an approval process has no effect on it. I believe this is why Jamie is asking for that functionality. I think it makes sense to carry it over, similar to custom form data, but that's something that would best be changed by submitting an Idea via the Idea Exchange, and having the community vote it up to 45 votes, so that our Product team can decide if it makes business sense to implement it. Thanks, Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront