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Please vote to make selecting multiple check-boxes easier and less frustrating!!!


Level 10
Hi - just another shamelessly self-interested promotion of an Idea Exchange item which was submitted by Anthony Imgrund. This is a huge frustration for our users and I'm SURE that everyone here has also experienced it when you've painstakingly clicked on multiple check-boxes in a list of tasks and then on the next one, you accidentally click 1 pixel OUTSIDE the frame of the next check-box and BAM!!! All of your check-boxes have now been deselected .....now, which ones were they again???? You know the story!!! This idea only has 7 votes so far but surely it is a common frustration and may not be too hard to fix. If you agree, please vote on the link below! Thanks "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115004033493-Expand-the-hot-zone-around-check-boxes">https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115004033493-Expand-the-hot-zone-around-check... David Cornwell
6 Replies


Level 6
I agree. I had submitted a similar idea suggestion too, but Anthony's appears to be gaining more traction. I see a lot of our users struggle with it. https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000656254-Checkbox-in-Lists-Do-not-De-select-all-if-you-misclick"https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000656254-Checkbox-in-Lists-Do-not-De-select-all-if-you-misclick"> VRG Vincent Goodwin


Level 1
Happy to vote to make things easier. In the interim, have you tried holding down the control key as you're selecting multiple items? I found that i didn't even have to hit the box 100% and didn't lose other items. Patricia Canavan Relay Health


Level 10
YAY!!! I was actually going to make a plea because I was working on clean up some things and this issue kept happening. Wish I came to this beforehand because I will say that Patricia's comment about holding the Ctrl button as you click does help! :) Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Votes are now up to 19. Only another 25 to go before we get a response (or Workfront are welcome to just dive in and fix it now if it is easy!). Thanks for the workaround tip regarding control. It would still be much better to change the default functionality as requested though, as many users will forget to use control. David Cornwell


Level 10
Wow..up to 28 votes now. :) David Cornwell


Level 7
Hey David, Nothing in regards to voting on your suggestion, as I think it's fantastic, but I wanted to share a little story about this. Approximately 4 years ago, maybe a bit longer, I think it was the summer of 2013, when I was just a new AtTasker, I worked the late swing shift. When I came in, I had about an hour and a half to two hours to talk to other people, get suggestions on how to proceed with difficult tickets, and generally chit-chatted with the folks on the day shift, to see what's been going on. Well, one day I was chatting with another rep, and he said that one of our power users from one of the big clients at that point in time, called in because had clicked a list of several hundred tasks, clicked on the very corner of one of the check boxes, and de-selected everything in that list. He. Was. Furious. Livid. And of course, upset that he lost a bunch of time clicking them one at a time (Why he didn't select all and un-select the ones he didn't want is beyond me.) So, we submitted a defect, and because it didn't affect functionality at the time, I believe it was put on the back burner, and never made it in to get fixed. Anywho, I figured you may want a giggle about the misfortune of someone who ran into a similar issue. But, yes, I do think it's a great idea. Have a great weekend! Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront