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Can I lock a column from being editable in a report?


Level 5

I have an issue report and it has a column for the "Date Needed By" custom field on it. I do not want users to be able to change that field from within this report. I added the text isinlineeditable=false but it still allows me to edit it from the report. Is there any way to accomplish this?


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9 Replies


Level 10

Hi - I had a client ask for the Actual Completion Date to be displayed but not in-line editable and this worked

displayname=Actual Done On




for you, the CONCAT would be CONCAT({DE:Date Needed By}) since it is a custom field I'm assuming. :)


Level 5

Perfect Thank you, I needed to display the time too so I swapped out the valueformat for this valueformat=customDateAsLongDateString and it works perfectly.


Level 5

I spoke too soon, it does display date and time but the times aren't accurate they all say 12:00am. Do you know what I did wrong?


Community Advisor

hi Tracy, I had a really great instructor for advanced reporting class (actually, all the Workfront instructors have been pretty awesome), who was fond of telling us to let Workfront do as much of the heavy lifting as possible. They always advised that we do as much of the work in Standard Mode as we could, before using the textmode for the final push.

If that's a concept you feel comfortable with as well, I'd suggest you input your date field in standard mode, THEN format it in standard mode for how you want to look, and only after this as a final step -- convert to text mode to apply the valueexpression.


Level 5

HI Skye,

I did this. I used the standard mode > added the custom field > chose advanced options and selected the date & time option. Then switched to text mode and changed the value format to valueexpression=CONCAT({DE:Date Needed By}).

I need it to display the date & time but not be inline editable and have been unable to accomplish that.

Standard code: displays correctly but is inline editable.



namekey=Date Needed By

querysort=DE:Date Needed By


valuefield=Date Needed By


Text Code: displays the date but all times say 12:00am, and is not inline editable.

displayname=Locked Need date


valueexpression=CONCAT({DE:Date Needed By})



Community Advisor

Thanks for doing that Tracy -- I was wondering! (we don't have anything in the system that looks at time so I don't have any reports to refer to)

That's interesting that it didn't work, and I wonder if there's some kind of bug?

I was able to get your report working with a shorter valueexpression:


but it's a bit concerning if you're not able to do a simple concat -- if you have any other more complicated valueexpressions you need to get working you might consider a helpdesk ticket.


Level 5

Oooohhhhh It Worked! Removing CONCAT and the () made it work perfectly. Thank You

We do use CONCAT in other places and it works fine it just didn't want to work for this one.

Thanks for all your help.


Community Advisor

@Kyna Baker - inactive‚ you have a quick tip for inline editing, and I would love to have you expand it in order to remind people that if they don't want inline editing, here's how you switch it off (here's the link to the existing quick tip -- https://one.workfront.com/s/question/0D54X00006oQasLSAS/quick-tip-create-views-that-allow-for-inline... ). I just think these two topics go together so well (like milk and cookies!) that it would be a pity to mention one without the other. What do you think?



Absolutely! I'll edit that post to include the link to this thread. Thanks, @Skye Hansen‚!