Hi, We're in the process of fine tuning our workflows with WF and I'm running into some pinch points with review/request license users. 1) They can't fill out custom forms on anything other than an issue or request they submitted. I figured out you can change the user to the primary on the issue so ...
We started using Kanban boards in Workfront earlier this year for our creative teams. There was some learning curves involved but overall things are running relatively smoothly now, not perfect, but making progress. But now we have other teams wanting their own Kanban boards and some want visibility...
I think I'm losing my mind. Please see attached. How are these request types created and controlled? Why do I see 2 options and someone else see 3 options etc. I think they're controlled by some type of magical spell. Please help. Thanks, Chris Chris Henne Automotive Resources International, Inc.
I am new to Fusion. I have copy a record from Workfront to SQL but finding available documentation on how to do things sparse. Is anyone integrating their fusion to SQL? Is there a Workfront data dictionary? How do you get records using wildcards to move into sql? I have tons of questions and oh yea...
Hi, Whenever you click the "Work On It" button, the commit date of a task is set. Then if the planned completion date changes, the commit dates remains. I understand this just fine. However, if a user didn't want to set a commit date on their tasks, do I advise them to not click the "Work On It" but...
Hullo, I have an hour report and grouped by project sponsor via text mode. group.0.linkedname=project:sponsor:name group.0.name= group.0.valuefield=project:sponsor:name group.0.valueformat=HTML textmode=true While this is grouped on the details page, I can't seem to make it to a chart. it's just o...
Hi All, See attached screen shots. Is there a way to add a visual queue to task assignments that indicate PTO during the task duration? I think that would be helpful to our PM's. tks! Karen Karen Rutz Harvard: Alumni Affairs & Development
My Project report isn't showing the last note from the Project, but is showing the last note from the Request. Anyone know how to change this to make it show the Project's last note displayname=Last Note linkedname=lastNote textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({lastNote}.{entryDate}),"None",(CON...
Aloha Workfront Community! I'm trying to build a custom form and report that will pull data entered by our users. (That's the easy part) The problem is we build campaigns for multiple segments (groups) and in our marketing briefs (custom forms) the team enters details for each segment. This results ...
Hello, I was wondering if anyone had run into the situation when a task with an approval is assigned to a worker, the worker marks that task complete and it prompts the person making the approval decision to make the approval but the project manager can't adjust the duration of that task. I've run i...