Is it possible for co approvers to receive notification when someone else has approved an issue/request approval so they wont bother to go in and approve. Doesn't appear to be such a notification, but maybe there is another way to achieve?
Hi Everyone, We are looking for system admins in Marketing to take a short survey on Jumpstarts (i.e., out-of-the-box configurations in your Workfront instance). Please complete the following survey if you would like to give feedback! Thank...
I am an admin and created a timesheet report for a team member. This team member doesn't manage the team members on the timesheet report but she will be pulling the report for the manager who is over those team members. This member is on both Teams within her Access profile. As an admin, I can see a...
Hi Everyone, We are looking for a few people who are currently using the new Workfront experience to give us feedback on our most recent changes to the lists (Data tables). We will be asking you to share your screen and click through the latest changes regarding the new filters, grouping, and bulk...
Thanks everyone for signing up! Hi Everyone, We're looking for a few people to give feedback on the new feature of editing your updates. This study will be very short (~20 min), so please sign up if you'd like to participate! Thanks! Elissa Elissa Lauber
We have 2 types of projects – ones that are done in house, where it makes sense to base the project percentage on the hours worked – and ones that are done by external contractors, where it makes sense to base the project percentage on the duration. Trouble is this is a global setting in Workfront H...
The day is finally here! We're so happy to share the 2020 Lion Award finalists for North America's enterprise work management pioneers! This year's nominations have been extraordinary, each filled with stories of transformation, achievement, and innovation. Our panel of judges was inspired by the id...
My Portfolio Optimizer is missing for all Portfolios... Any idea what I could have done?? Even tried new ones and nothing shows? Jordan Martinson LeaseTeam, Inc.
Hi there! I've defaulted to the Workfront admin/trainer for new hires within our MarComm team and I'm interested in learning from others in similar roles. I'm especially eager for resources or training docs you've found helpful as you educate new hires in your organization's instance. The trap I fin...
I've got a template set up where I have several tasks assigned to a Designer, Brand Manager, or Copywriter. Is there a way when setting up the template to easily replace all of the Role placeholders with a specific user? I've seen this before on Workamajig, but I can't figure it out on Workfront. Se...