So in my company we're a small group of three system admins. Today we were talking through the logistics of a scenario to archive custom form data in closed objects by uploading the custom form as a PDF on closure through Fusion (goal is to prevent any future data loss through deprecation of fields ...
I have a scenario where we want to watch an email box for requests incoming and convert them to a project in workfront. I have the watch email box part figured out and can create a project after the email has triggered the scenario. I'm stuck on getting the email that triggered the flow attached to ...
Hello Community, I also put this on the Job Board, but I wanted to put it here as well! Deloitte is looking to add to our Workfront team, and we are looking to add this person quick! Take a look at the link if interested, which will provide more answers:
When I have 2 "and" filters for planned completion date -- one that is greater than July 1 and one that is less than July 31, the filter automatically deletes the "greater than" statement and so I am left with all projects from the dawn of time through July 31. I can't find any documentation on how ...
Regarding the Workload Balancer: Can you vote for this? This is regarding aligning task colors of the same project like the scheduler! If I am looking at task assignments in the Workload Balancer, I would like to quickly identify other tasks ...
I'm trying to pull 'Project' information into tasks within the project using a calculated field on a custom form.... but I'm stuck.
We are currently using a department abbreviation as a prefix and the object type as a suffix, with the descriptive name in between. This can make for some long object names but is useful if searching for an object owned by a specific department. Curious how others think about this and if/how it vari...
If still pending a response, we would like to create a custom email notification for executives to remind them to cast their decision on a task two days after their approval stage has kicked off. Is there a way to do that?
Did you know that Users and Sys Admins can not only create their own filters, views and groupings, but share them with their teams? Users can create and share their own filters, views and groupings, or system administrators can share custom filters, views, and groupings that are relevant to their or...