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Any upgrades to the Calendar?


Level 10
Has any functions/features been added to the Calendar? As it relates to using it for "planned" vs "actual" events. Pulling reports from it. We have a submit date that I'd like to put on the calendar and then pull weekly reports for the team to see a week at a glance and a week ahead of what is coming, for planning purposes. However, the calendar, as it functions does not allow this. When the submit date happened and we marked it completed on the task - then it moved on the calendar to that completed date. When it moved, it was interpreted as a 'new' submit date. We did not want it to be automatically moved, just closed or greyed out etc .. but not moved. Any updates on this? Benetta Perry APS
6 Replies


Level 10
Not to my knowledge. We would use the calendar so much more if we could prevent it from showing Actual dates. We only want it to show Planned dates. It would be a great tool, but its basic functionality kills it for us at the moment. David Cornwell


Level 10
Hi - we had a meeting with product at the end of last year and there is nothing on the roadmap for the next 12 months about the calendar. :( We actually changed our settings so that the actual date is the planned start/completion date. For us, having calendars be accurate was way more important than see when tasks/issues were actual finished. However, I would LOVE it if I could have both so we could report off that information but it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Thanks for the update Anthony! Did you discuss whether other of the other 'forgotten' bits of Workfront would see updates e.g. timesheets, approvals, layout templates etc? Jamie Hill JLL


Level 10
They told us that big things are improving the integration still between Workfront and Workfront Proof, removing all flash tools, and improving the UX experience for tasks, issues, and projects. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Don't like to beat a dead-horse...but, the whole calendar thing is a diamond in the rough that could be utilized so many different ways that would be beneficial to all types of audiences in WorkFront. However, I am very disappointed to report that we also received the same response from Workfront, that it is nothing on the Roadmap any time soon! :( In the meantime we need to keep getting people to vote up the existing suggestions on the Idea portal. :) Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU


Level 5
We use the calendar functionality every day for a quick gauge of our workload as well as for our standup meetings. I don't think my department could function without it. There's obviously ways I'd love to use this, like attaching calendars to large projects rather than looking at Gantt Charts (which I hate). Here's our "workload dashboard" that is basically a bunch of calendar reports, with the top one showing actual tasks assigned by person by planned completion dates (which moves to "Completed Tasks" when done) and the bottom showing the originating requests and when they're due or in an approval step. This only works because my team is so small, it would probably be a nightmare if I had a large team.