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Adding Views/Groupings per user on a shared report


Level 2

We are trying to create standard dashboards for tasks, issues, and projects for new teams that we are adding to Workfront. So, to save us time, we were hoping to keep using the same “base” dashboard but create custom views and groupings depending on each team’s needs. In testing, we found that the views/groupings don’t stick, every time we leave the dashboard and come back the default view/grouping is reapplied.

Is there a way to set a specific view or grouping to be the standard per team or per user? We want to be able to use the same reports for multiple teams and users but want them to have custom views so we don’t need to make new reports every time, but we currently can’t find a way to make them “stick”.

3 Replies


Community Advisor

Hey @kayleeric7! The way to make groupings and views stick is through a layout template, so I guess the question would be, are you good with different layout templates for the teams or is there one layout template applied to everyone? If there are different layouts, you can go to Lists and then select a view / grouping to be their default.




Hope that helps, but let me know if not


Level 2

Hi @VictoriaLinn we are actually looking to use one layout template applied to multiple different teams, and were hoping we could pin specific views/groupings to each team report so we can use 1 universal layout template but customize it per team but I am not sure that is possible! 


Community Advisor

Hi there, views/filters/groupings on task lists, project lists, etc. are 'sticky' for the user across like objects (i.e. if a user sets a task view, anytime they're in a project it'll have that same task view unless they change the view). But in reports/dashboards, these are not all sticky unfortunately. 

From this article:
"Additional views temporarily replace the view that is defined when creating the report; however, the default view is displayed the next time you return to the report." 

If this helped you, please mark correct to help others : )