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2018.3 Release Feedback - Home


Level 8
Hi Community, I've attached a word document that includes some notes, issues, questions, etc. from testing Home in preview. I hope someone from the product team will have a chance to read through my document, but it would be great if some of you could take a look, and let me know if you're experiencing similar issues, or have some of the same questions or feedback? I'm sure there's a lot I haven't thought of, but this is a start. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed about sharing Home with our users who have access to it. I've waited to share it with them until the functionality was more complete, rather than sharing it piece by piece starting back when it was introduced. (I haven't had the greatest success / confidence in the past when I've shared things with our users early on - i.e. proofing) I'd love to hear what some of you are doing to prepare your users for Home! Thanks! Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.
14 Replies


Level 10
Hi Sydney, Thank you for sharing your feedback. I did some tests in my environment and wanted to share my results. First, I have triple checked and the Global nav in all of our layouts says Home. We don't use custom branding though, so maybe that is what is causing the issue. Now, I will say, we are not really pushing the calendar option with our people and keeping things on just the Work List. People seem okay with that. (We have been making the Home the default since 18.2 release to get people used to it) We have O365 Enterprise and I have been told that it does not work with the Outlook sync. It works for one day and then nothing. Users can "block" time for their tasks that completely go against what a PM or RM want. I did test doing approvals in both the Work list and the Calendar list and I am seeing the blank screen issue you have mentioned, but it is only in the Calendar list. In the Work list, the information from the approval stays. As for the approval buttons, I think that might be the size/resolution of your screen might be causing the issues. When I have the window at full size, I see the buttons and the labels. When I do half-and-half so I can write this reply, the buttons turn to what you have in your screenshot. For the Details button, it looks like the style guide on the page locks after the tile is opened. It opened fine for the first one, but when I went to go to a second one, it never expanded to show the button. And, to be clear, this is only in the Calendar view as the Work list doesn't have a details button. (Since everything just automatically shows on the right) As for custom data, it looks like it has been removed from the most recent preview in both Calendar and Work lists. In Production it is fine, and it was fine before Beta 5 was released. I'm definitely putting in a ticket about that as well as that information is super important. As for the things you mention at the end, I don't know if they are going to be added. Like I said, the Calendar view is not ideal at the moment, but we have a lot of success with the Work List. Like I mentioned, we switched almost all of our users to Home in 18.2 release. Except for our PMs who like the "Things I've Submitted For Approval" (which is coming in this release), everyone has adjusted nicely and love having everything in one list. It has also made the concept of Ready To Start and Not Ready so much easier for our users. Hope this was helpful Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 8
Hi Anthony, Thank you for taking the time to test my specific issues and reply back with your findings, I really appreciate it! I plan on talking to my manager about your insight into the calendar. You make some great points about not pushing it onto your users, especially if some of the functionality in the work list "breaks" when in the calendar view. I'm so happy to hear that your users are having success with the work list. I feel good about the consolidated view of items with the labels indicating if something is ready to start or not. Some of our users are still missing deadlines from time to time because they are forgetting to move things to their Working On tab..the new work list should solve for this. Thanks again for your response and valuable contributions to the community site! Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.


Level 2
Hi Sydney and Anthony, Thank you for sharing your experience in Home. I'll review the Word doc you attached, Sydney, and review our open bugs to see what we already have logged. Anthony, you rock! Thank you for testing and helping Sydney out. Please let me know if you have questions or anything else comes up. Thanks, Mandy Anger Workfront Product Manager


Level 6
Hi, Sydney: I think I can help with at least one of the issues you're experiencing - ZOOM! No, not the Emmy award winning PBS children's show from the 1970's! Your Browser ZOOM! Check that your Browser Zoom is set to 100%! Good luck! Jay Schertzer Jay Schertzer Guild Mortgage Intranet System Administrator


Level 10
Noooo! If I'm forced to use Workfront a laptop at 100% zoom I will be very very sad :( edit: this is on a Windows laptop.. :) Jamie Hill JLL EMEA


Level 10
So I put in a ticket about how some users see My Work and some see Home. Support said "From the erroneously displaying "My Work" area you can click on "Go to legacy My Work" and then "Switch to Home" and the tabs will display correctly." Not ideal at all! I have asked them if there is a way to just have it say Home without the user going back to legacy and then back to Home. I'll let you know what they say. They also said that the info missing from the Home details area will be fixed soon. :) Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Hi Sydney, I do like the concept of combining the Work Requests and Working On into one list. However for the moment I am not recommending Home because of the issues with the Calendar which doesn't show work which has been planned by PMs/RMs. Showing only due dates and letting users plan out their own work is worse than useless for us after all the effort our PMs and RMs put into planning our users' work calendars. I'm eagerly awaiting any news on the Home Calendar enhancements which are supposedly coming prior to (or in) 19.1 so that this is not broken for us when My Work and its calendar are removed. In the meantime we recommend our users to keep using My Work because its calendar correctly displays this planned work. Regards, David. David Cornwell


Level 8
Anthony, thank you for submitting that ticket. I'm in agreement with you about the workaround. If the idea is to get people on-board with Home it's ironic that some users have to go back to legacy and then back to Home so that it displays correctly in the top nav. If you hear anything else, let us know! David, so I'm not the only one who thinks the calendar is useless?! Not to mention that when viewing the calendar, some of the important functionality within the work list breaks. I know that moving an item onto the calendar doesn't actually change planned dates, but it seems to me that it's giving the worker the space to organize their own day and setting an expectation that assigned work can be done according to how free or booked they are in a given week? Thanks for all of your feedback, including the zoom issue. I usually zoom in when I'm taking screenshots, but don't necessarily need to in order to go about my day-to-day. I can live with this for now. :) -Sydney


Level 3
For what it's worth, I am looking at my Preview environment at 100% zoom (Chrome, Windows 10 PC, 1920x1080 resolution) and I still see the same box display as Sydney's screenshot in her document. Oddly, when I zoom out to 90% or 80%, the approval buttons go back to their normal text display, per my screenshots below. Thanks for sharing this documentation, Sydney. I'm also documenting a few things I came across, so it helps to see what else has been found by the community. I'll add my list here if anyone's interested, once I finish up. 100% Zoom: 90% Zoom: Mike Perez Tailored Brands


Level 8
@Mike Perez , I can only see the words on the buttons at 80% now - so I'm with you. Also, I'd like to see your document when you finish it up if you don't mind posting it here! :) Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.


Level 10
Hi - So I heard back from Support and get this... you only see the My Work if you log in as someone!! So when I log in as my Sally Sampleperson account, I see My Work (even though she sees Home), but when I actually log in to the account as the user and not as a system admin, she does see the word Home. Not sure if you want to test this yourself and have Greg log in, but it seems like the label issue won't be an issue when it releases. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Interesting! I have 1920x1200 resolution and at 100% I see the buttons just fine. It is when I half the browser to do a side-by-side comparison that the buttons adjust. That extra 120 pixels must be the sweet spot. LOL! Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 8
Good news, thank you Anthony! Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.


Level 3
Hi @Sydney Peterson -- sorry for the delay! Many of the key issues in my notes regarding the Home page ended up being either issues with our company's sandbox instance, or have since been fixed (for example, one of the big ones was the comment box that appears when you make a decision on an approval request was not saving the comment or the decision, but that seems to be fixed now) I'll post when I find more though! Mike Perez Tailored Brands