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People tab of a project to dynamically update


Employee Advisor


Description - Right now, the People tab of a project is not dynamically updated to people actually in that project. Anytime someone is added to a task or issue in the project, they are added to the People tab (or are the PO or other reasons). But then they remain in the People tab even if they are removed from the project tasks. 

Why is this feature important to you - If users are opting into emails for 'updates about projects I'm on' then they are getting these unnecessarily. This is a big issue when it comes to projects that act as the projects receiving issues/requests - those projects will never go away as long as we have the request queue feeding it, but more people are randomly added to the project and after a while they aren't needed to be there but are still getting the notifications.

How would you like the feature to work - The People tab should be a reflection of the current state of the project, and should not include users who have been removed as assignees. 

Current Behaviour - Users are added to the People tab when assigned to a task or issue, but if a user is removed as an assignee, they remain on the People tab. 




@ChloeWY Yes!! Me, too. I just wish I could also inactivate a stakeholder for multiple reasons and still see that they were historically part of the project, rather than just removing.




This idea is currently being investigated by the Workfront Product Management team. An official response will be provided by the end of May. Thanks for your patience!











Status changed to: Investigating




@NicholeVargas thank you for submitting the idea and for your patience while we were getting back to you!


We do see the benefit in having the system dynamically remove people from the project team when they are no longer working on the project. However, we are unable to prioritize this work right now, but we will take this into account when making improvements in the area in the future.

Status changed to: New


Level 1


Completely agree with the above. This is extremely inconvenient and not a good way to use the tool. In addition to the email notification, this also forces projects that people are no longer on to show up in their projects lists. Having to manually remove from the "people" tab is NOT a good or logical workaround. HIGHLY inconvenient and confusing!


Employee Advisor


According to the Product Manager, @Anna_Asatryan , this feature has not been added to the short-term roadmap for Workfront due to other priorities. 




Hi All, 


I appreciate the explanation on the need for this functionality. 


While I fully understand how this could benefit the workflow, we currently don't have this behavior change prioritized near term. However this might be something we will revisit some time next year.

Status changed to: New


Level 4


It also would be beneficial if the task/issue the person is assigned to is Complete/Resolved status, then remove them from People. That way there is still record of the person having done the work on their related work item, but the People section isn't cluttered with resources no longer working on the project. 


Level 2


I don't really understand the difference between People and Share. Why are both needed? People really needs to be dynamically updated or maybe even disappear. So many unwanted emails...