Mine pushes all those headers below the new box for both me as a system admin and when my group admins do it. I'm using Chrome.
Might be worth clearing cache and cookies and then trying again? Otherwise, might be a bug and support can look into it because I feel like you should definitely be a...
What browser are you using? Your entire view looks to be off in that screenshot so I feel like something is off in the browser window. Notice the Name/Description, Equates with, Key etc headers above the new status box.
Actually Christina, I did just read through the release notes for 24.7 and it might be due to that.
Adobe Unified Experience now available fo...
We do this in our instance in a similar setup to Katherine and you align them by Key. There use to be a really good article on experience league about this but I just searched and couldn't find what I read previously.
Some considerations.
Only one object can use the Key. So, if you have multiple...
If they have manage access you can't limit their ability to move the dates.
You could create a view that only has the date fields visible but formatted so they can't edit directly from that project view. They could still go into the task and edit the dates but you could try limiting it on ...
If you have a column for planned completion date on your report you should be able to sort through the native functionality.
However, if you want to sort by planned completion date without having it as a column (like you did with the above scenario) you should be able to add this to to another ...
Just found an idea we could vote up https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/workfront-ideas/new-workfront-form-builder-removes-ability-to-quot-track-field/idi-p/687870
I would double check that tasks and issues are in fact delegated. Using the delegation in the "calendar" area only delegates approvals. So delegate tasks and issues you have to do that from Home but it can only be done in the old home currently and not the new home experience.