It is true that Risks and Financial data are tied in Workfront. Risks will inherently affect the project's finances, so I see the correlation.
There is a workaround though. You could provide view access to the financial data which (according to documentation) would then allow access to view the f...
If you remove the template owner name the person converting will become the owner. If you have someone set as the template owner it will override the user becoming the assignee.
Was the due date changed AFTER the date had passed and the reminder was already sent? I remember reading something somewhere that it won't reset the reminder if it's already triggered the reminder and then the date is changed.
Are you using templates when converting the requests to projects? Check the template they are using to see if that user is the template owner.
Template Owner = Project Owner.
Sorry about that, I left off part of the formula when I typed it out.
valueexpression=IF({hourType}.{name}="Task Time" || {hourType}.{name}="Project Time",CONCAT({project}.{DE:Project #}," : ",{project}.{name}),{hourType}.{name})
I don't know if I'll be able to explain this correctly, but I'll try. And there really isn't an experience league description of it, it's just what I've experienced and found.
When you are running IF statements on collections it's not just looking at a single object to validate if it's true or not...
Resource pools are basically only used for Resource Planner. I've pondered and asked this question many times - "why do we need resource pools" since it's just one more thing to manage. It always seems to come back to "because you need them for Resource Planner". So, it's a never-ending circle of ne...
That's odd and definitely annoying. Might be worth checking out your display settings on your computer to make sure they're accurate. It will vary for everyone depending on screen size but there is usually a recommended scale and display resolution for each monitor that could maybe fix it.