First make sure you have a milestone path setup to use by going to Setup > Processes > Milestones Paths. Once this is setup and applied to the group in which your project belongs, you can edit the task properties by going to edit > settings > Milestone and path ID.
Hey Jason - do you still feel this is working best for you? Before starting down the path of documentation, I'm weighing my options....PowerPoint, Confluence, OneNote even....thought I'd check!
We recently adopted Box at an Enterprise level and integrated with Workfront. The challenge is that WF only does a 1 way sync with Box. (I posted more about it here: Re: Serious Issue - Do you use Workfront as your '... - Adobe Experience League Community - 579259) For Example:Box Folder: Project Ap...
It looks like we're going to be heading down the Fusion before I get this party are you documenting your scenarios, etc? I've read some pain points around this.... Bonus Question - what was your most exciting/effective scenario you built?
In trying to export data for PowerBI, each of these comes across differently. What's the best way to break these down for consistency? Minutes? Hours? I definitely don't want the time reference in there...but there's got to be a better way than creating a ton of calculated fields.
I'm curious what everyone's experience has been using Fresh Service in terms of integrating with (or in place of) Workfront. We are currently in a merger with another company and this was the legacy tool they used for most of their requests.
I'm pretty sure I know the answer but.... there a way to prevent someone from marking a task complete until they have populated a field on an attached custom task form?