Adobe Real-Time CDP allows for the collection of data across various sources; Adobe Experience Cloud applications, digital analytic providers, e-commerce solutions, customer service platforms, cloud data based storage, customer record management platforms and streaming sources.
With vast amounts of data collected into the platform we need to think about ensuring profile data is actionable within the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform.
As noted in the diagram below a key concept of the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform is data can reside in the Adobe Real-Time CDP data lake and be promoted upon the Adobe Real-Time CDP profile store.

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When a deletion request for data is generated from a consumer or a system, there are several options to consider removing data from the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform.
Adobe Privacy Service
Ingesting consumer data from different sources we always need to consider the data privacy rights of the consumer. The Adobe Privacy Service allows us to comply with the consumer requests for data access and data delete requests. The intention behind this service is to process data privacy requests and not for bulk cleanup of data. A data privacy request can remove data from the Adobe Real-Time CDP Data Lake and or from the Adobe Real-Time CDP profile service. An added benefit of the Adobe Privacy Service is data can also be removed from the Adobe Experience Cloud applications (Adobe Campaign, Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Analytics, etc.).
There is a limit of one thousand (1000) profiles in a single request. As noted above this service is not intended for a bulk clean-up of profile, but to honor consumer data privacy requests.
Pseudonymous Profile Delete
When collecting data from a digital channel and the content is not gated (viewable as an anonymous user), profiles in the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform may remain unstitched to other identity namespaces. These profiles are known as pseudonymous.
It is a good practice to establish this option within the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform to remove unwanted actionable profiles from the production Adobe Real-Time CDP platform instance.
Adobe Real-Time CDP Data Life cycle
Data which is ingested into the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform will reside within a dataset. A dataset can be enabled for profile or remain in the Adobe Real-Time CDP Data Lake. There could be occurrences of when invalid or unwanted data is ingested into anAdobe Real-Time CDP dataset. When a dataset is marked for profile, we need to ensure data is removed from the profile store and from the data lake. We can achieve this option by deleting a dataset. The deletion of the dataset will purge data from the profile store, identity service, and data lake.
The Adobe Real-Time CDP DataLife cycle service allows for the scheduled and or adhoc deletion of datasets created within the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform.
Adobe Real-Time CDP Advanced Data Lifecycle Management
An upcoming feature of the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform is Advanced Data Lifecycle management. This option allows from the deletion of individual profile from the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform. Data can be submitted as a data request to delete profile data from a specific dataset or all datasets in the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform. This request can delete/update data from the profile store, identity service, and data lake.
There are several options to consider when removing data from the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform and depending on the request please consider all the options above when removing data. Each option can allow for the either the bulk deletion or single entity deletion of data from the Adobe Real-Time CDP platform.