Hi Community,
I have two doubts regarding the treatment
Question 1:
I am running an A/B test with 100 audience members, where 10% (10 people) are assigned to Treatment A, 10% (10 people) are assigned to Treatment B, and the remaining 80% (80 people) are in the holdout group. You're using open rate as your metric to compare the effectiveness of Treatment A and Treatment B. After determining which treatment has the best open rate, you'd like to automatically send the remaining 80% of emails to the winning treatment group.
Question 2:
The sentence "In Experiment report I could see only 7 day to determine the winner its possible to change the time line?
"This Experiment has run for Less than 7 days" what mean this?

@SatheeskannaK @Anuhya-Y @Mohan_Dugganab @DavidKangni