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latency Audience Qualification & events created in AEP


Level 6



I would like to know what is the difference in latency / delay between Audience Qualification / creating event in AJO while creating journeys?

I would like to compare streaming / edge segments to events created in AJO. 

What different use-cases use for that two features? 




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1 Accepted Solution


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Community Advisor

@Michael_Soprano Audience qualification is when the profiles get qualified based on the defined rules they can enter/exit into the journeys. For example, If the audience type is batch it may allow a bunch of profiles to enter into the journey after everyday scheduled evaluation is completed. Refer this documentation

Events are more real-time for example if I want to send order confirmation as soon as the event condition (ex. commerce.checkout) matches it will trigger the journey and you will be able to send the message. Take a look at this documentation

Edge segmentation is the ability to evaluate segments in Adobe Experience Platform instantaneously on the edge, enabling same page and next page personalization use cases. Refer this documentation

Some of the rules to qualify for streaming segmentation are given here.


Thanks, Sathees

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2 Replies


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

@Michael_Soprano Audience qualification is when the profiles get qualified based on the defined rules they can enter/exit into the journeys. For example, If the audience type is batch it may allow a bunch of profiles to enter into the journey after everyday scheduled evaluation is completed. Refer this documentation

Events are more real-time for example if I want to send order confirmation as soon as the event condition (ex. commerce.checkout) matches it will trigger the journey and you will be able to send the message. Take a look at this documentation

Edge segmentation is the ability to evaluate segments in Adobe Experience Platform instantaneously on the edge, enabling same page and next page personalization use cases. Refer this documentation

Some of the rules to qualify for streaming segmentation are given here.


Thanks, Sathees