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Email Design


Level 2

Hi Team,


     After exploring the email template design, I initially opted for the "Switch to code editor" mode. However, when I wanted to return to the "compatibility mode" (normal drag and drop mode), I couldn't find the switch button. Could anyone help me with switching back to "compatibility mode" (normal drag and drop mode) from the "Switch to code editor" mode?


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2 Replies


Community Advisor


You cannot revert back to the visual designer for this email after switching to the code editor.

from my personal experience, I noticed that if you save or save and close after switching to code editor, then you can't go back to visual editor.




David Kangni


Community Advisor

@Preeth You can't switch back to the normal drag-and-drop mode once you switch to code editor mode. Refer to this documentation:



Thanks, Sathees