I recently have noted (mainly after Feb 19 2025) in AJO that if we create a AJO email journey and publish it then another campaign also gets created (like a email campaign with same email HTML) which is not visible in campaign browse list in the UI we have to check the contact history using the profile ID in the journey and campaign datasets.
The email gets sent out only single time from the journey.
Has anyone also faced similar issue.
Is it a feature that Adobe has enabled.
How do I stop it from happening.
Any help would be appreciated as it skews the reporting based on the profiles.
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Hi Mohit, Last week I created a couple of journeys and didn't face any campaign creation. Please let know if you are facing the issue still.
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Hi @jerlinlourds,
Thanks for getting back.
The campaign i am talking about is not visible in the Campaign list UI. You cant even search by this campaign name.
You will have do something like this:
1) use a query like this:
_experience.customerJourneyManagement.entities.campaign.name ILIKE 'email-%'
2) Open a random campaign and replace the campaign version ID you got from the query result in the address bar to open the auto generated campaign.
It opens the campaign with the same email being used in the journey and has the same count as well (PS the journey should have sent email to profiles in actual).
Please let me know if you see the same in your instance.
You could also use a query like this:
_experience.customerJourneyManagement.entities.campaign.name ILIKE 'email-%'
order by
_experience.customerJourneyManagement.entities.timestamp.lastModifiedAt DESC
May be its something that we did in out instance that creates the campaigns automatically.
Based on you answer i will get in touch with Adobe.
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