Hi there! I'm trying to suppress some topics in a map from making it to the Native PDF output. For these topics, I'm using the attribute of print=no. Is there something that I need to set up in a stylesheet to prevent these topics showing up in the PDF? Is conditionalizing the only way to currently ...
Hello! I'm working on a bookmap template in Native PDF. Here is the page layout order I'm using:When I publish, this is what the List of Tables shows:I'm assuming these tables in the red rectangle are pulling from frontmatter content. How can I make the list of tables start with page one, as illustr...
Hi, all. I have a situation in which I'm adding copyright verbiage to the end of a preface in a bookmap. I've gotten it to work when the copyright is only one page (thanks to a little previous help). When I came to a two-page preface, the copyright info shows up on the first page (which is not what ...
Hi there, I was wondering if there is a setting somewhere in Native PDF that allows me to publish a PDF that displays the content and bookmark panes by default? Right now I have the single-page scrolling enabled at 100%, but it does not look like there is an option for bookmarks here. We are current...
Hey folks! My team has this use case: As a content manager, I want to create a copy of a folder containing thousands of Guides items so I can use samples of "real" content for things like training, testing, etc. without giving access to the "real" content itself.We tested using Assets to copy/paste ...
Hello! I customized a front page in my Bookmap Native PDF Page layouts. I would like for a copyright page to show up directly after the Front page. Am I able to do this through page layouts?Here is what I have going on with my settings: What am I doing wrong here? Or is it possibly something in the ...
Is there a way to change the default topic type from "topic" to "concept" in the + Create > DITA Topic menu? Is there something in the ui_config.json file that defines this?
Hello again! I am developing a Native PDF Map template. I have copyright content that I'd like to include on the last page of a PDF. I've been able to call the information that I need, but I'm having trouble with the DITA content running under the copyright info. I know I can potentially push this o...
Hi,I have added the CQ-Action-Scope: ResourceOnly Header to the Dispatcher flush agent to invalidate particular resource. Still all the stat files from root folder are getting touched if I publish any page and the other pages also invalidated as the .stat file is modified. Please find below dispatch...
Is there a way to change the Translation Status of objects in AEM Guides?If we send something out for translation, and the quote is rejected, how can we change the Translation Status of all assets back to either "out of sync" or "missing copy"?I canceled the Translation Project, but that hasn't chan...