Hi, all! I know it perhaps isn't the best DITA, but is there a way to get an <ol> to continue numbering inside of a <step>? For example, here's how it looks currently in a task:1. Step one here.2. Step two here.a. Substep here.b. Substep here.1. Legacy third layer <ol>. 2. Legacy third layer <ol>. N...
I recall that it is possible to add a bit of code to a paragraph tag in a DITA template (e.g., Topic) that would display a prompt for the author regarding the text to enter in that tag. When the author clicks within the tag, the prompt text disappears. Does any remember the specifics of that?
I do not have mac/linux machine, however I would like to add a custom DITA OT plugin to AEM guides and then generate output using the same.Please let me know the process
We have create some custom dita topics and maps, these custom custom topics use custom xml tags too. We have created custom dtds and everything is working as expected but the topics and maps are missing the icons.How do we configure this?
Hi, all! I have a question regarding custom note types in Native PDF. In our current DITA OT output, we have custom note types set up like this: The type=other tells the output to use whatever text the author enters in the othertype field. In this case, "Notes" display instead of "Note." How can I ...
Hello, Right now I have my Native PDF template set to add a prefix before all tables titles. It looks like this: Table #: Title here in DITA My question is, how do I replace that # with autonumbering? I'd like it to count the entirety of the document for this number (not reset per topic/chapter). He...
Hi,In the documentation it mentions about JSON as one of the output presets, but I do not see JSON in the list of output presets. Is there any configuration needs to be modified to enable JSON output option? Also, is there an API to get the JSON response of the output?Thanks!
In my DITA XML docs, I want elements that have an auto-generated unique ID, but I also want the IDs to follow a format/pattern of element<title>, followed by element name, and unique generated ID number (eg. <fig id="Toaster-Oven_fig_2">).When configuring element id patterns in the Adobe Experience...