Hi! We have set up an experiment on our server-side using Target Java SDK. We are returning an experience for users, however 2 things are happening:
Is there a data point that the reporting dashboard hooks up to specifically in a request/response?
We're only logging empty responses, no offer, (to control log volume), but here's an example request/response...please help and thanks! If there's anything here that might tell you that this data will not be sent to Adobe Target, please let me know and thanks!
CLIENT_ID: 000726153
LOGGER_NAME: com.fmr.pwi.hades.api.common.service.AdobeTargetService
LOG_SESSION_ID: 602ea62b0ad213cf200010b7000eaa33
LOG_TRACKING_ID: REQ602eac9fd7d6c430859c264d592faa33
MESSAGE: Invalid Adobe Target response. Ensure the request and experiment are configured correctly. Request: TargetDeliveryRequest{sessionId='602ea62b0ad213cf200010b7000eaa33', locationHint='null', visitor=com.adobe.experiencecloud.ecid.visitor.Visitor@239ac86f, decisioningMethod=null, deliveryRequest=class DeliveryRequest {
requestId: null
impressionId: null
id: class VisitorId {
tntId: null
thirdPartyId: (some unique id)
marketingCloudVisitorId: null
customerIds: []
environmentId: null
property: null
trace: null
context: class Context {
channel: web
mobilePlatform: null
application: null
screen: null
window: null
browser: class Browser {
host: retiretxn.fidelity.com
language: null
webGLRenderer: null
address: class Address {
url: https://retiretxn.fidelity.com/mybenefits/wellness/app/learn
referringUrl: null
geo: null
timeOffsetInMinutes: 330.0
userAgent: Fidelity/WI/LearnHub
beacon: false
experienceCloud: class ExperienceCloud {
audienceManager: null
analytics: class AnalyticsRequest {
supplementalDataId: 14DFDE42C4C38B32-29E83A95E4DBE708
logging: server_side
trackingServer: null
trackingServerSecure: null
execute: class ExecuteRequest {
pageLoad: null
mboxes: [class MboxRequest {
class RequestDetails {
address: class Address {
url: https://retiretxn.fidelity.com/mybenefits/wellness/app/learn
referringUrl: null
parameters: {}
profileParameters: {}
order: null
product: null
index: 0
name: learn-hub-mbox
prefetch: null
notifications: []
qaMode: null
}} Response: TargetDeliveryResponse{request=TargetDeliveryRequest{sessionId='602ea62b0ad213cf200010b7000eaa33', locationHint='null', visitor=com.adobe.experiencecloud.ecid.visitor.Visitor@239ac86f, decisioningMethod=null, deliveryRequest=class DeliveryRequest {
requestId: null
impressionId: null
id: class VisitorId {
tntId: null
thirdPartyId: (some unique id)
marketingCloudVisitorId: null
customerIds: []
environmentId: null
property: null
trace: null
context: class Context {
channel: web
mobilePlatform: null
application: null
screen: null
window: null
browser: class Browser {
host: retiretxn.fidelity.com
language: null
webGLRenderer: null
address: class Address {
url: https://retiretxn.fidelity.com/mybenefits/wellness/app/learn
referringUrl: null
geo: null
timeOffsetInMinutes: 330.0
userAgent: Fidelity/WI/LearnHub
beacon: false
experienceCloud: class ExperienceCloud {
audienceManager: null
analytics: class AnalyticsRequest {
supplementalDataId: 14DFDE42C4C38B32-29E83A95E4DBE708
logging: server_side
trackingServer: null
trackingServerSecure: null
execute: class ExecuteRequest {
pageLoad: null
mboxes: [class MboxRequest {
class RequestDetails {
address: class Address {
url: https://retiretxn.fidelity.com/mybenefits/wellness/app/learn
referringUrl: null
parameters: {}
profileParameters: {}
order: null
product: null
index: 0
name: learn-hub-mbox
prefetch: null
notifications: []
qaMode: null
}}, response=class DeliveryResponse {
status: 200
requestId: beaa26f8-f6ef-4cd9-ab34-29a1170df575
id: class VisitorId {
tntId: 602ea62b0ad213cf200010b7000eaa33.34_0
thirdPartyId: (some unique id)
marketingCloudVisitorId: null
customerIds: []
client: fidelitywi
edgeHost: mboxedge34.tt.omtrdc.net
execute: class ExecuteResponse {
pageLoad: null
mboxes: [class MboxResponse {
index: 0
name: learn-hub-mbox
options: []
metrics: []
analytics: null
trace: {}
prefetch: null
}, status=ResponseStatus{status=200, message='', globalMbox='null', remoteMboxes=null, remoteViews=null}}
PART_ID: 3563
PART_MID: (some unique id)
PART_WID: 518392
REALM: /mybenefits
THREAD_ID: tomcat-http--6
TIMESTAMP: 2021-02-18T13:06:23.689-05:00
URI: /wellness/api/help-hub
USER_ID: 3563
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Just curious if you had any luck with this. I'm also trying to figure out Analytics Reporting and sticky experience. Not much about it (at least example-wise) in the documentation.
Thanks for your question here yaboytomc, and thanks @rrrrrraul for your weighing in! I know this question is a few years old but in case anyone wants to try to take a stab at it to close it out with deeper insights, please do
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