I have placed the code in the header section of the website. I am testing my hands on Adobe Target tool but I am facing an error "mbox.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: TNT.a.Bb is not a function" . What could be the possible reason. Any help is accepted. I am stuck from many days.Here is the url
Hello,I am using Adobe DTM to deploy AT.js (0.9.6) and a Global MBox.When I create my form based Experience in Adobe Target, and choose my HTML offer, I'm noticing that all of the HTML content is stripped away. Content inside an <style>, or <script> tags are preserved, but the HTML content is remove...
Hi Guys,When we have a default experience shown & then attempt to update the experience on the same page with an mbox update through dtm, our activity reloads and show both the original version & the new version.The page itself doesn't reload which is good but we can't seem to remove the old experie...
Hi,We used Adobe Target to set up and run AB/ MVT tests through the Visual editor and through form based tests. We use another companies software to replay user sessions and I wondered if there was any way of identifying which experience a customer had been entered into by looking at the cookie valu...
Hi Adobe peopleI have had an Adobe CC (company team) account for a couple of years, but recently another colleague has registered another Adobe account for Target using the same email address but a different password.How can I merge the new account with my CC account?CheersDavid
Hello,I have been experiencing a flicker on the very first load (cache, cookies cleared). We are using mbox.js Version 62. To try to remedy this issue, I’ve tested this in two ways:Using the Visual Composer to make the edits:- Flicker is still there on the _very first_ load, and seems to work on su...
I'd like to create an experience for customers that have taken a specific path on my website. Is there a way to use an Analytics segment as the audience in my Target activity?
https://www.adobe.io/apis/marketingcloud/target/docs/getting-started/use-cases/launch-ab-test.htmlin this page, it says that we can find existing offers by the url :https://mc.adobe.io/target//offers/contentif my client key is fdsafdsafdsafdsafdsafdsfsdf, how can I use it ?thanks a lot!
I recently switched over from Target Classic to Target Premium and am having some revenue discrepancies. The revenue data coming in through Premium is down on average of about 30% per day compared to Classic data. The impressions data is also inconsistent, but not consistently down. Has anyone else ...
For example , I make Experiences A and Experiences B , and deploy on my site, now I want get the current experience name or id with javascript , how should i do ?thanks a lot !