Is there currently no way within Target to build an audience based on a cookie value? So if we have a cookie that denotes whether they are a customer or not, we can't build an audience and target a test based on that? If not, are there plans to add this functionality? Both Google Optimize and Opt...
We have a client where we need to deploy Target across their Angular UI-router SPA. We’re struggling on setting this up on our sandbox to test the deployment, we’ve added a demo Angular site to set Target up on before we start the client work. The Adobe document...
Hello,I am looking for a method replacement for mboxCurrent.getParameters() returns all the parameters passed during mbox call (used to be available in earlier mbox.js) in target premium (at.js response) which i can use. I know there are methods for example mbox.param('param_name') but it only work...
I recently created a profile script which captures whether or not the login page has been seen by a visitor: if(page.url.indexOf("/login") > -1){ return "hasSeenLogin"} Checking with mboxTrace, I have seen the user parameter working within the same session as the login page view. However when I go ...
Hi, potentially very niche conversion tracking logic below:We have a series of actions on our secure site which do not trigger a confirmation page on a uniquely identifiable URL. Instead, the visitor is taken back to the account overview page, and shown a 'Successful transaction' type message (withi...
I created a CSV feed and have a,, entity.message for each item along with adding my entity.pageUrl (setting this to the absolute URL of my pages), I created a Design and set my Criteria. I then created a Recommendation activity and set it up with a Design, Criteria and Collect...
Hi,How can I set up an audience to don't launch a test when a url contains some queryparams? --> Test will run --> Should be excluded
Hi all,Target facilitates A/B Testing and Multi Variate Testing.These testings are performed by business users I guess.As developers what is our role in there?If I were to estimate efforts for these testings, how and what to put efforts?Today I need to submit my estimates.Appreciate all your quick r...
We are required to configure Target in one of our client applications. There are few queries from security point of view could you please help us out on this.Is it possible for Target to keep track of a user and always show him the same experience? This would be required if the criteria is random to...
Hi,1. I understand that mobox.js is replaced by at.js in the recent Target releases. Pl confirm this.2. at.js resides on the client and heps us to connect with target server, as it has target reference inside.3. What else is the purpose of at.js?4. How do we know how many at.js files are required fo...