Hi Team, Is it possible to display the profile attribute values in AT Activity dynamically? Use case :1. Activities will come from AEM 2. Profles data will come from 3rd Party to AT Use case to display profile attrubute value in activity dynamically. Any ideas/advice would be great to solve the p...
I have a seemingly simple A/B test we are trying to set up by swapping a header image and rearranging some copy. It seemed simple enough, but once I got the test built, it wouldn't function properly. On the page is a Marketo form, and anytime I would modify the CSS in the main body of the page, it w...
We are noticing that a lot of our users seem to hit a "network request failed" when bringing the at.js file into a React web application: This is a screenshot of the error we are detecting. What is the typical cause of this? Can it be security settings on the browser? Is there a workaround?
We need a list of all values which can be returned from Target's profile.geolocation.country variable. I need to make a mapping to convert it to a country code, and need the list of the exact strings being returned. Thanks,Cleve
Is there a reason why after a couple of weeks of running AT, experiences are served with ML audiences (green tick icons), and 'new' insights report popup already came up, and yet, there is no data in automated segments and important attributes reports? I tried different end dates for the last 15 day...
According to https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/activities/activity-settings.html?lang=en#activities, in an experiment's Activity Settings, the timezone used with the Start/End dates and times is based on my browser's timezone. I've verified that my browser's timezone is set correc...
I'm seeing a similar problem, but with different nuances, as in this post https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-target-questions/server-side-experiment-target-report-not-working-java-sdk-and/qaq-p/397584The architect we're working with says that sending cookies from the client to th...