Hi Guys, @Andrey_Osadchuk @Ishan_Sinha_ @Khurshid_Alam @yuhuisg @kainth @jantzen_b My data is getting triggered on the browser console but its not showing on the Adobe Cloud Debugger.Also, I'm getting this errors on the console. Any suggestion to fix the issue?
Hello guys, As the title suggests, we will be migrate our main product pages from www1 to www. Will this impact the Adobe Target implementation in any way?If so, what are the steps that should be done in order for us to not face personalization issues once fully migrated?Thank you!
Good Morning Community, We have an activity which is aiming to act as a basket builder so if a user has a basket value less than £85 we will display a banner that if you spend X more you will qualify for either an offer or free delivery. We have got the activity to work and using our basket value p...
I have followed below doc for connecting my localhost to adobe target through adobe io console as explained in below document . https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/integration/integration-ims-adobe-io.html?lang=en#prerequisites * Created IMS configuration by d...
HiI have a secure SPA that we're implementing Target into. We've decided to utilise the new getOffers() and applyOffers() functions that were part of at.js 2x.Via a Launch rule we have managed to successfully 'get' the offers, i.e., see the offers associated with the mbox in the response, this is c...
I'm dealing with a console warning in Chrome which says:VM582:1 AT: Adobe Target content delivery is disabled. Ensure that you can save cookies to your current domain, there is no "mboxDisable" cookie and there is no "mboxDisable" parameter in query string. I'm following the steps from the Adobe Tar...
I am able to create an AEM Experience Fragment and Export to Target successfully. I can see the XF as an Offer in Target and also able to replace activity content with the EF. Works fine in the VEC but when save the activity I get the following error Sync Error - Your updates did not get published ...
Hello friends, Can I use Adobe Target for personalization on JAM stack architecture websites? Our client website is Single page web application using Contentful CMS and react and is deployed to Netlify using Gatsby. So want to know if Adobe target can be used for Personalization using this archite...
Hi there!Would you able suggest a solution for below scenario?We have an e-commerce site which caters to B2B and B2C customers. We are capturing entity info via mbox for Recommendations. When a customer lands on the site he can view all the products across the entire range as an anonymous visitor. H...