I'v maded one form in Adobe Livecycle and it evrithing functions perfect.I need the form, that one person can fill, then save and send to other person then the other can fill the rest. Thank you
Drop down list disappears first time selected. I have had a form working for over 4 years. was working this week. Today I downloaded the production version. When I went to test it (with no changes), all of my drop downs disappear the first time I select them. the second time, they stay and I c...
Does anyone know where the LiveCycle Designer es2 Download is? I cannot find it anywhere now. It always links to es4. As well, if a form is done in es4, does it work in Livecycle pdf generator es2?Thanks
I am trying to verify a few fields are populated before the user can digitally sign the form. If the fields are blank, I would like to prevent the digital signature window from appearing. How do I do that?Here's my script:var vSignatureif(xfa.form.form1.execValidate() == true){ vSignature = this.ra...
Dear, I am working in an organization that contains 250 Data Entry Staff, I created a full set of Adobe form to be filled and printed, but I am facing a small issue that the managment asked me to shows the windows login name or ID on the printed forms. I am requesting a support to provide ...
AllI'm having a fairly serious issue here trying to take an LCA from one environment and get it in another environment. Both the source and destination environments are LCES 2.5 (LCES 2 with SP2). I have roughly 6 applications and there are some far dependencies (one application referencing an ass...
I have a confidentiality form I need to create. This form will contain multiple instances of the parties names (between my company and company X) and I was wondering if there is a way that if when the form is being filled out I can type company X in the first field and it can be auto populated into ...
Hi,I am using the following script that makes a message box appear. The problem is that people are complaining that the message box appear multiple times and that you have to continusly click ok like 11 times for the "warning javascript window" message box to go away. Can I use a different script or...
my images were blocked do to content???clck here for yes example http://webgis.co.okaloosa.fl.us/website/okaloosagis/gm/yes.bmpclck here for no example http://webgis.co.okaloosa.fl.us/website/okaloosagis/gm/no.bmpI have tried both below and keep getting errors on the =if (xfa.resolveNode ("qfax.#fie...