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Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES and Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro


Level 2

I recently purchased Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, it came with Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES.  When I create a new document with Acrobat 9, it takes me right into LiveCycle for the design, which I do not mind.  However, the properties for each field are very limited in comparaison with Acrobat 9.  So, the file I create with LiveCycle I want to be able to open again with Acrobat 9 and reach the field properties with Acrobat 9, but the system does not allow me to do that.  What am I doing wrong?


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Former Community Member

To force uppercase, enter the following in the change event as JavaScript (make sure JavaScipt is selected in the language dropdown list at the top right):

xfa.event.change = xfa.event.change.toUpperCase();

As you can see in the picture, there are many palettes available on the right side to edit fields. Hope this helps.


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13 Replies


Former Community Member

Acrobat can only edit fields in forms created by Acrobat. It cannot edit fields from forms created in LiveCycle.

LiveCycle can edit fields in forms created in both Acrobat and LiveCycle.


Level 2

I found LiveCycle so limited in its ability about fields compared to Acrobat 9, am I wrong?  May be I don't know enough, or I don't know where to look for the field properties in LiveCycle.  Can you help?




Former Community Member

Fields can be edited by right-clicking on the field and using the many palettes available. Also, if you go to the windows menu you can open the palettes from there. You can then edit the layout, object properties, bindings, all kinds of stuff. I can post a pic when I return to my desk if you wish.


Level 2

Thank you for your responses, yes, I will not mind an image.  I saw something called "patterns", is that what you are referring to?  For example if I want to forced a text field to be UPPERCASE, where do I put the script?  I know how to do it in Acrobat 9, but cannot see it in LiveCycle.



Correct answer by
Former Community Member

To force uppercase, enter the following in the change event as JavaScript (make sure JavaScipt is selected in the language dropdown list at the top right):

xfa.event.change = xfa.event.change.toUpperCase();

As you can see in the picture, there are many palettes available on the right side to edit fields. Hope this helps.



Level 2

Thank you very much for everything, I am going to try it out.


Level 2

I meant to give the answers a 10 pts, I don't know why it posted only 5 pts


Former Community Member

No worries I'll live.



Level 2

Just a note on that.  I was talking to someone else on this forum and the same thing happened.  So now I know it is not me but the forum itself which has a slight problem.  There are 2 icons, one for Helpful and one for Correct/  Helpful is 5 pts and correct is 10 pts, both time I clicked Correct and both time the result is helpful.

Just in case who have some say so on this forum.



Level 1

I'm having similar issues, in that functionality that is available in Adobe Acrobat Pro doesn't appear to be available in Livecycle. Here are a few examples:

1. Making fields required.

2. Submitting data as HTML.

Anyone aware of how to do these things in Livecycle? I've only used Adobe 9 Pro to make forms in the past.


Former Community Member

1. In Designer, click on the object you want to manipulate and on the Object palette/Value tab there is a Type dropdown (1st field on the tab) , change this to User Entered Required.

2. Forms (Acrobat or XFA) do not submit HTML ....they can submit name value pairs (like HTML pages). XFA Forms have the ability to change the submission type from XML data, XDP data, PDF form or URL encoded data - name value pairs. Click on the submit button and on the Object Palette/Submit tab you wil see these options under the SubmitAs dropdown.



Level 1

Hi, I was wondering the 9 pro that you bought. did it specifically say it came with livecycle? I am looking to buy one. 



@pinkletAdobe Acrobat 9 is legacy and not sold any more. See https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat.html


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