When setting up the WatchFolder after initial TURNKEY install, I am receiving the following error: ALC-PDG-010-012-PDFMaker reported an error while printing the document in the failure.log file (full text of error below).This is, of course, after working thru other errors, but have been unable to ...
Hello everyone.We have livecycle ES set up behind a load balancer (BigIP F5). We are having problems with the JMS Queues. We are able to login into the administration console do changes, etc, and the product seems to be working fine until the JMS queues are being used.We are only load balancing port...
Can i have a text box within a form that can expand to accommodate the content and so push the rest of the form down and possibly over to another page?? if this is gobbledygook, sorry Example if after the section : "Equipment will be used" it could go on for 1 line or 2 pages but the rest of the f...
So we just installed LC Rights Management and as I was testing the protection options on my .pdf files and I had my ITS team test out the protection and within 10 minutes they came back to me saying they screen captured images by using the Snipping Tool in Vista and Windows 7. Is there any way or an...
Hi, I've created a form in LiveCycle which includes a table. In the table I want to insert two columns of tick boxes and center align them. I've managed to insert them ok but don't seem to be able to control the alignment at all (they just stay right aligned). I've tried setting the column alignm...
I have a dynamic form with expanding text boxes that I originally designed on one page. As I put in the needed items it was clear to have it fit I would need to go to a second page to have everything needed. When it is the first page alone the preview pdf works properly automaticallly moving the o...
Does anyone have any experience installing components using workbench? I've tried a couple of tutorials on how to install a component from Livecycle devnet and I'm not having any luck. Each time I try to install the component in workbench it fails. I can't even do the Hello world component. Anyo...
Greetings,I'm looking for a way to determine if a field is valid. Is their some sort of boolean or function to determine whether or not a specific field (in its current state) passes the validation?For example, lets say I have an Order, with a Line Item, and an Item Number. If I want to find out w...
I have a series of three buttons A, B, C on a form.When the form is first opened I need only button A to be visible (B & C both hidden).Once A has been clicked, I need B to become visible (A & C both hidden).Once B has been clicked, I need C to become visible (A & B both hidden).Any help with this i...
Have a question on the best deployment practice.We have almost the full suite of LiveCycle products. All of this right now is behind our corporate firewall. However we have people coming from outside our system that would be benificial to log into workspace to initiate processes. By opening up the f...