Hi, i have this use case that seems to me impossible. Is it possible to send profile data from AEP to an external destination when an update happens? I think the only way we could manage it is to send a full list of profiles and their attributes once in a while, so the destination is always up to d...
Hi there, How do I use the Anonymous block feature in SQL query as noted in this documentation https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/query/sql/syntax.html?lang=en#anonymous-block? I copied a bit of the query from the documentation above:$$BEGINSET @v_snapshot_from = select pa...
Hi, Question on CJA geographic dimensions. Data is streaming into data set with Web SDK, with Geo Location set as "City" in Datastream. It seems like only the Country dimension is populated with country data in CJA workspace, while there is no data in Regions or Cities dimensions, is there settings ...
Hello All, I am a bit confused as to which should be used to throw a success event, a s.t() or s.tl() call. This will fire on the confirmation page and originally I would have the event on the s.t (page view) call but hearing some recommend using s.tl call, would it matter which one is used when th...
Hi All, I have few questions related to data security in AEP. 1. Is there a mechanism in place to obfuscate the data within datasets associated with a particular profile immediately after the customer revokes their GDPR consent. 2. I would like to inquire about the scope of data deletion when using ...
I have a schema that I am importing with sql. Ideally I would be able to do select _theFieldGroup* to put all of the fields from that field group into a table. This however, does not work. Any idea how I can achieve this effect with a different method?
Hi all, I am trying to drop some unwanted columns in Recipe Builder but I get this error from the title....any clues on why that is and how to solve it? When I remove the drop function - I get another error of "typeerror: expected sequence or array-like, got <class 'platform_sdk.dataset_reader.d...
HiWe are trying to create some management dashboards in our CJA workspace. For that we created a connection between different profile and event datasets with corresponding person ID to make that connection.The problem for us is to find the way to include some of the metrics we want to monitor that a...
Hi there, We have a cart abandonment feature which can only bring customers back to their saved cart if it's on the same ECID that initially abandoned cart. I am wondering when we do segment activation (in our case, to a SFTP destination), is it possible to just extract the ECID that abandoned the c...
@Anil_Umachigi - As we are planning to integrate Privacy Service in our existing Adobe Experience Platform, also creating a product profile with enablement of Privacy UI service done. But, here comes the issue within the privacy ui system we can't limit with any environment such as Dev/Prod. So, cou...