Hello,We have a requirement to create postgreSQL database source connector, and postgres allows only SSL connections.I've used connection string in below format:Server={*********};Database={postgres};Port={5432};UID={postgres};Password={*******};EncryptionMethod=1;ValidateServerCertificate=0 Connect...
Reference link:https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/sources/ip-address-allow-list.html?lang=en Scenario:As we understand, for a customer's AEP instance all the sandbox's (DEV and Production) would be hosted in same region. So whitelisting AEP's IP mentioned in above link would...
Hi, I tried ingesting a batch file using an SFTP connector on a FOLDER path. Unfortunately, the folder contained an unrelated file and the ingestion failed. The error says: INGEST-1401-400 The row has corrupted data and cannot be read or parsed. Fix the corrupted data and try again. How can I fix (d...
Hi All I am Looking to delete the 20 batches at a time and also to delete the all batches in a certain timeperiod. Below is the process Which I followed Can someone help me on this: Step-1:I tried to find the list of Batches with Get Curl and 20 list of batches I got.Step-2:When am trying to delete ...
Hi community, while taking the dimension as content type and content unit and page views as metrics we were getting unspecified dimensions.But when I changed the metrics with their respective instances I was not able to find any unspecified.What can be the reason for this and can anyone suggest a be...
Is it recommended to have PII data encrypted before ingesting in AEP via web SDK.If yes, how could we use the same for activation with AJO as AJO can't send email to encrypted email id's.
Hello, We have newly added a dataset, in which data comes in streaming fashion. However, we took 2 days for sanity checks before enabling the dataset for profile.Now, after enabling the dataset for profile, I created a segment with certain conditions.The records ingested before enabling the dataset ...
We are passing encryped or hashed email id in web SDK call.So is there a way that we can utilize this encrypted or hashed email id to be used in AJO for sending email to user.
Hello Team, We are working with Postgres source connector and evaluating our options around Encryption. Based on our current understanding we have below possible options while building the connection string: 1) Connection without Encryption:EncryptionMethod=0; ValidateServerCertificate=0. 2) Connect...