Within https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-platform/edge/data-collection/adobe-analytics/manually-mapping-variables.html it just states that the XDM is flattened and made available to Adobe Analytics via processing rules however I am seeing various parts of the schema not being pulled ...
Hi,We're currently working with a new device which supports cookies but it does not persist them, so when user leaves web/app and relaunch it 30 minutes later, previous cookies have been already deleted.In this particular case (non persistent cookies):- does it make sense to use marketing cloud visi...
Hi, I am trying to make api calls in AEP and realized the token expires every 24 hours. I need to manually generate the token by going in to console.adobe.io Is there a way to programmaticaly refresh and generate the token with out doing it manually each day?
Currently, I am having an issue that is not capturing activity on the debugger. I might need to set up a custom variable on Launch. Any idea how to set up props and eVars on Launch so that I can track all my page activity?
Hi, Someone please le me know how we can load script file before loading script of component level. I have embed my component level js (categories name in parent clientlibfolder where i have added my slick script by using embed ) but while loading the page it is loading the component level code ...
Hi Team,We are having the Adobe Target and Adobe Analytics license.We are trying to implement the experience cloud and import the customer attributes. Do we need to have separate license for Adobe Experience Cloud Core People Service?Thanks
Hi thereI'm very new to all this and have just started a new role within my company where I'll be working with Adobe Analytics. I've installed the Debugger Plugin (the new version) and logged into my account no problem. But it cannot seem to find... anything. All the modules simply say "Not Found". ...
Hi, I need to send data from AEP to ACS using realtime API calls. Can someone please help me with this. ?In my analysis we don't have any Http API in AEP Destinations. Also, for connecting to ACS we have only FTP/S3 options are available. My requirement is to send data available in AEP schema to one...
If i buy one of dmp from market place and integrated it with my DMP, then is it possible to see integrated customer journey (MY website + other dmp's owned web site)through adobe experience platform? - if i'm one of e-commerce owner and i integrated DMP of one social media channel's DMP(Facebook and...