Hi All, I am trying to run a site audit to understand tagging and variables and where on the site there is no tagging, apart from manually clicking the links on site and understanding from debugger, is there a better way to document this? Any advice is appreciated.
Hi everyone, Is it possible to recalculate or reset the ID graph? Either for certain batches or as a whole? When I delete the dataset, the edges in the ID graph are persistent. How can I remove these edges in the graph coming from deleted datasets or batches? Can I somehow trigger a recalculation of...
Hello guys,Anyone has experience in using Contentsquare with AEP? Do you think Contentsquare can be used instead of CJA? Is it possible to use Contentsquare instead of Web sdk?ThanksLuca
Working with the adobe client data layer. I see only some variables being passed back in the beacon. Not all. The variables are set in the data layer. I am setting these in Adobe Analytics set variables (custom code):The structure where the component is found: 5. component: form-container-123456:...
Hi all, Does anyone know of a way to identify which segments (within data flows) are being streamed to the Facebook destination? I am using a few batch and streaming segments. Currently, within Destination > Facebook Connection > Data flow runs - The UI shows all the data flows, processing time, pr...
Hi all, We have been looking into AEP offers and struglle to find a way how we can request response for the best offer content through API via unsecured end point? e.g. the question in simple form: can any of the AEP end points return the best offer(s) for selected customer through public interface ...
Hi All, I am new to Adobe Launch and was trying to set up Google Ads conversion tag fires at specific page - www.example.com?results=abc122345678. Events: Library Loaded (Page Top)Conditions:Landing Page > Return true if the landing page equals results= (enabled Regex)Actions:Custom Code > HTML > pa...
Team, Looking forward to the solution to block "visitor_info_live" and "YSC" cookies through OneTrust. I'm able to block and unblock analytics/performance cookies via onetrust. But not these two cookies. These cookies are coming from "youtube extension for adobe launch."
Hey all, I was going through some of the learnings for querying data using Jupiter notebook. While running Hourly visitor count query from this page, I'm getting 08P01 error. Any one know how to solve this issue ?