Hello guys, I would like to look up the last 10 recent time-series event associated to a specific Prodile Id by using API call, where can I find the correct API call I can perform? Thanks
Hello guys, Wrongly we created custom identity namespace and currently this has been used in CJA and RT-CDP. I would like to ask what happen if we delete it and create a new one. Does it have some impact with CJA and RT-CDP? Any suggestion? Thanks
Hello guys, I just ingested 5000 records where every record containes 1 primary identity into Data Lake and Profile. When I try to click on one of the identity namespace in the identity tab I noticed taht I have 4000 records under Records skipped. Any idea about the possible reason?Shall I execut...
Hi, I'm exploring AEP space and going through the LUMA Store tutorial. During identity mapping phase between the schemas, I'm not able to connect the dots on how Web Events schema use identity namespace to connect with CRM id that is passed from client side along with ECID? I understand the identity...
I need to work on a query that will fetch results of join between two temp datasets that are not profile enabled then use that resultset to insert into profile enabled dataset. There is minimal mention in the documentation which doesn't show nested objects. E.g. Query I tried below did not work P...
Our team signed into the platform this morning and realized all of our JuptyerLab notebooks had been deleted - guessing Adobe made a mistake when they made a recent update, but still waiting to hear from support. Is there a way to restore them?
Hi I am working on updating the Adobe analytics using the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK in our Android application. I think I finished updating the analytics feature using the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK based on this official adobe document. I also set up the assurance feature provi...