Hi Community, I'm trying to set-up the Time to Complete plugin to record the duration of a workflow on our site but I'm having some difficulty getting the function to work. I am seeing the cookie value being recorded when the first event triggers the starting point; then the cookie clears when the...
Why cant i create a segment within the Workspace project, but can create it in the tools- segment management? In workspace project - no No Button, Can not create fast segment, can not editing the existing segment. In segment management - yes, can be added and save It feels a litt...
Hi, I am trying to schedule reports from Datawarehouse to a FTP location. However, I am not getting any option to add 'Download Link Instances' metric (this metric is available for the reporting suite in the report created in workspace). Two, I am unable to find the 'Download Link' dimension in data...
Hi Everyone We have a state-of-the-art data collection setup using the AEP Web SDK that redirects all events toward an AEP Datastream which distributes all captured events to AEP, Adobe Analytics, and other destinations. Recently a client enquired if it would be possible to dynamically filter differ...
Hello Team, We have our Input files in Parquet format but they're not XDM compatible. As per the Adobe documentation & Community posts, we observed that AEP will only allow Parquet file if it is in XDM compatible format. So when we're trying multiple options, we identified that using mapping se...
The Segmentation API - Postman Collection is missing "Audiences" , is there plan to add it - https://github.com/adobe/experience-platform-postman-samples/tree/master/apis/experience-platform is missing https://developer.adobe.com/experience-platform-apis/references/segmentation/#tag/Audiences
Hello Team, I am trying to get a click event value in evar using Adobe Launch but somehow it's not working. My problem statment is: We have some videos over our page and every video has a "data-id" value assign to it. I want to assign this custom value in an evar on the click of the play button. I...
Hi everyone! Haven't used Launch... or Tags... or Platform Data Collection in a while, and just wondered when you set up an Adobe Analytics rule, should you add a condition to make sure the 's' variable is available? I'm using the Adobe Analytics extension, and in the past didn't perform this check ...