We are updating the underlying Launch infrastructure and this will force a change to the IP Addresses that Launch uses for egress. If you are adding Launch IPs to an allow list for any reason (if you're using an SFTP host to receive Launch library builds for example), you should update the list of ...
We are starting to get more questions from customers about SRI and Launch. This post will address SRI and the challenges it presents in the context of tag management systems.
On September 1, 2020, we tweaked the way that data element default values are set. Newly created data elements will no longer have a default value set automatically. Read on for details.
We've released the biggest update to the Launch browser runtime since Launch was released in 2017. You will need to configure your properties and make new builds in order to use the new functionality, nothing will change until you say so. Read on to learn about the changes and how to turn them on.