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Handling of Launch Ideas in Experience League Communities




The Ideas section of the Launch Forum is one of the primary ways that the Launch product team receives feature requests from the community at large and we really appreciate all of our Launch users participating there.

To date, we haven't been very organized about how we treated these ideas and how we would respond to them.  We're sorry about that.  And we're going to do better.

I'd like to take a few moments to describe the process that we're going to use to review the ideas that are submitted here, what each of the different status labels means, and how they transition from one to the other.

Idea Review Process

With the current size of the community (and expected future growth), the PM team cannot review every single idea that comes in.  We have established a vote threshold and once an idea exceeds that threshold, the PM team will review the item and begin to move it through the workflow below.  The threshold will increase over time as community engagement grows.

At least once a month, the team will conduct a formal review of all ideas that have crossed the vote threshold.  Each idea above the threshold will have its status updated.  When we update status, we may provide comments, ask questions, update delivery expectations, etc.

Status Descriptions

With the review process laid out, it is also important to let you know what each of the statuses means and how an idea moves from one to the next.


Forum Idea Status Flow.png


If an idea is in one of the blue states above (New, Investigating, and Accepted), voting is important to influence decision making and priority.  If an idea is in one of the orange states above (Needs Info, Declined, or Delivered) voting is not necessary.

New Idea

Ideas come in with a status of new.  The PM team has not reviewed the idea yet because it hasn’t crossed the vote threshold yet (or we just haven't done our review yet this month).  If this idea is important to you, lobby everyone you know to vote on it, to get it over the threshold.

Needs Info

Needs Info indicates that we don't fully understand the problem or the proposed solution.  If your idea is in this status, look for clarifying questions from us in the comments?


We're still looking into this idea and figuring out if we can/want to do it or not.  Campaigning for ideas in this state is still a good idea so you can sway the vote.


The PM team has reviewed the idea, and decided to add it to the product, but has not yet assigned it a rough priority or a targeted delivery date.  This should be interpreted as “we’ll get to this sometime in the near or far future.”  You should continue to vote on this idea to influence the priority of delivery.  For more about how priority in the roadmap is assigned, you can check the Launch Roadmap.


The PM team has reviewed the idea and decided not to add it to the product.  This can happen for a number of reasons, and you can check the comments for an explanation of why this decision was made.


Work on the idea is complete and it has been deployed to the Launch production environment.  You no longer need to vote on this idea.

Thanks for all your participation so far, we look forward to making Launch better for everyone.


Happy tagging,

Launch Product Team