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Approaching: DTM Sunset Milestone 2




March 2020 Update: Due to the situation with SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, we have pushed out the dates for Milestone 2 and 3 by 3 months each.  The dates below have been updated to reflect these new dates.  We will continue to monitor the situation and may make further adjustments depending on how the next few months go.


July 2020 Update: We continue to hear from customers who are concerned about the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on their migration timelines. We have resource, maintenance, and cost constraints that make it infeasible to push back Milestone 3 (the final EOL), but we have decided to shrink the read-only period from 6 months down to 2 months. This means that while the final EOL timeline is not changing — it is still April of 2021 — you’ll be able to continue to make changes to your DTM properties until February of 2021. The official dates below reflect the latest changes.


February 2021 Update: We’ve pushed out the Milestone 2 date by 6 days to align with our release window. DTM will enter a read-only state on February 22, 2021.


It’s been about 2 years since we made Adobe Experience Platform Launch generally available to all Experience Cloud customers.

Six months after that we announced that DTM would be entering a maintenance phase where security updates would be made, but that no new feature work would be happening. At that same time, we announced that DTM would eventually reach a sunset and provided a timeline for increasing restrictions on DTM functionality over the course of time.

This was done so that development efforts could focus on Launch which is now the recommended way to deploy any Adobe Experience Cloud solution and to stream your site and application data into the Adobe Experience Platform.

Last July, we passed Milestone 1 of the DTM Sunset Timeline and we removed the ability to add new properties in DTM.

On February 22, 2021, we will hit DTM Sunset Milestone 2. Starting on that date, DTM properties will enter a read-only state. This means:

  • You will still be able to login to DTM, but your properties, rules, data elements, and tools will all be view only.
  • You will be able to see everything that is there, but you will not be able to make any changes to any of the resources.
  • You will not be able to publish any new libraries.

One important note, DTM publishes JavaScript libraries. Customers either host these libraries on their own, or have Adobe we host them through a CDN partnership. Launch utilizes this same CDN and it isn’t going anywhere. Even after DTM shuts down, any DTM libraries that have already been published will stay where they are. If the library is being referenced on any site, it will continue to load into the browser and function as it does now. The limitation will be that you will no longer be able to modify the contents of those libraries.

DTM properties will remain in this read-only state until April of 2021 when we plan to decommission the product and DTM will no longer be available.