HI Im using Adobe Experience platform when download files which shown generating zip file but no responseeven 2 files or over hundreds files , the old version platform do not have this issue anyone can can help???
Hi, We are using OOTB ca-config "com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.config.HtmlPageItemsConfig" to load a script on our page.But the script src is different for each environment. So, to override it through OSGI, I have tried using Apache Sling Context-Aware Configuration Override Provider: OSGi config...
Hi everyone, I hope you’re doing well! I’m currently managing redirects in Adobe Experience Manager using the ACS AEM Commons Redirect Manager. Over time, we’ve accumulated a large number of redirects, and now I need to delete many of them in bulk. While I understand how to delete individual entries...
Hi, I've recently upgraded my AEM instance on dev environment from 6.5.5 to 6.5.21 and after I've restarted the instance, it's responded with bad gateway 502 on the instance link itself and /system/console/bundles. I have tried checking if there are any invalid indexes and all of them are valid when...
I want to validate if is it possible to customize GraphQL schemas or use GraphQL resolvers while using GraphQL API for Content Fragments in AEM 6.5.21. Right now we can fetch CF data using a persisted query and it returns all the data just like it exists in the JCR, but we would like to transform so...
Hi, I want to write a Testcase for my Servlet, which expects a specific selector.So far I ve always created my MockSlingHttpServletRequest request object using AemContext context.request().However, I have nt found any method which might allow me to set a selector for it ?Would be great if you could ...
Hello Community, According to the dispatcher module documentation, the DispatcherUseProcessedURL attribute accepts 2 values:0 - use the original URL passed to the web server.1 - the Dispatcher uses the URL already processed by the handlers that precede the Dispatcher (that is, mod_rewrite) instead o...
Hi,Recently after migration from on prem to cloud, somehow rep:policy nodes are visible on author environments under /content/ path. This node is visible on many places under "content". its difficult to delete directly from CRX/DE, as its there on so many places, now i am trying to delete it program...
Has anyone done the following and if so how to do it?I am overlaying the core accordion component. In 'items' tab, on the click of add , i want my desired child component to be dynamically added, i.e., i do not want to choose the child component from the dropdown but i want the slide to be added on ...