Hi Experts in this community,Good day! I'm currently designing and proposing to utilize our current CMS, Adobe's AEM CMS, to render the frontend of WeChat Mini-Program.Considering the existing solution that AEM CMS outputs like headless CMS for content delivery (JSON) and experience fragments (HTML ...
Hi, One of our production publishers failed with 500 internal errors. Upon checking the logs we found below: org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncaught SlingExceptionjava.io.IOException: classFile.delete() failed This particular issue was resolved automatically after 1...
Hi All, I have a requirement where I have to display the latest version number of the asset in the card view below the thumbnail. We are already displaying the metadata properties of asset by overriding the PropertyList.jsp under apps /apps/dam/gui/coral/components/admin/contentrenderer/card/asset/p...
I was working with Chrome Dev Tool- Console tab to do some data layer testing. When Console throwed an error where an image thumbnail of an embedded product video is showing an error.I went to the product page in the site and show the video does not have a thumbnail - obviously because referred thum...
Hi , I am trying to delete AEM page programmatically using pagemanager.delete() OFTB method but for some pages I am facing an exception it states - Error while deleting page & other exception was Error while creating a version. Does anyone has any idea when does these 2 exception comes Note: page t...
Hi, When assets are uploaded, the Asset update workflow does not trigger on its own, but needs to be run manually.Any idea on this issue?AEM version used - 6.4.7 but works perfectly fine on another environment with the same version. Regards,Shibani
For the below code getting Vulnerability, can someone assist with what to write instead:@Override public List<OptionItem> getCustomItems() { return customItems; } Passing this @Override public List<OptionItem> getCustomItems() { return List.copyOf(customItems); } @Override publi...
Hey guys, We received Libre Franklin fonts (.ttf) files which we want to include in our codebase.I am trying to add them to path - ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/project/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources but get the below prompt - The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore f...
how we can checks the replication status of the content (e.g., an asset or a page) using code, i have a usecase to implement where i need to check whether a content is in replication or published