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Where to find AEM docs ??


Level 1

Q1)  For every cq:Page  we need a jcr:content

I get that there are rules/schemas defined 


[cq:Page] > nt:hierarchyNode
  orderable primaryitem jcr:content
  + jcr:content (nt:base) = nt:unstructured
  + * (nt:base) = nt:base version

where are these defined in the jcr repository.
Where are the nt:nodeType nodes defined in the jcr repo ??



Q2) What are all the in-built/ used properties for a particular node type in AEM ?? Like for cq:Dialog we can define cq:Widget as a child node . Are there other possible meaningful child nodes for cq:Dialog ??? Where can I find documentation for the same ???


1 Accepted Solution


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Level 9



  1. JCR node types can be checked put here: https://developer.adobe.com/experience-manager/reference-materials/spec/jcr/2.0/index.html
  2. Sling node types can be checked out here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SLING/Sling+Node+Types
  3. Custom node types, that AEM brings in, can be check out here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/implementing/developing/pla.... These can also be seen in CRX at /jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes path
  4. I have also bumped into this. Never used it. But maybe you find it useful: https://github.com/Netcentric/aem-nodetypes/blob/master/src/main/resources/aem.cnd. You can look at the whole project to see what it does.

View solution in original post

3 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @KunalNa1 

Node definations are find in the CND files



You can go to localhost:4502/crx/explorer/ and login to check all the node types

Arun Patidar


Correct answer by
Level 9



  1. JCR node types can be checked put here: https://developer.adobe.com/experience-manager/reference-materials/spec/jcr/2.0/index.html
  2. Sling node types can be checked out here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SLING/Sling+Node+Types
  3. Custom node types, that AEM brings in, can be check out here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/implementing/developing/pla.... These can also be seen in CRX at /jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes path
  4. I have also bumped into this. Never used it. But maybe you find it useful: https://github.com/Netcentric/aem-nodetypes/blob/master/src/main/resources/aem.cnd. You can look at the whole project to see what it does.


Level 7

Hi @KunalNa1 

Node types (like cq:Page) are defined in the Oak repository and managed under the node type registry. You can find definitions in the


directory in the JCR, or through configuration files in 

/libs or /apps

in AEM.

To find in-built properties and child nodes for cq:Dialog:

  • Check AEM documentation on Dialogs and Components.
  • Use the CRX/DE browser to inspect nodes like /libs/cq/dialog to explore child nodes like cq:Widget.
  • Use the AEM API to programmatically query properties and child nodes.