Hi Team, Caching content with selector is common practice in AEM sites. Before AEM CS we were useing acs dispatcher flush rules to flush the cache of cached content with selector but in AEM CS it seems to be working by default means there is no need to have any custom mechanism to flush the content ...
Hi, I am facing an issue in the app builder where, when i try to do aio app deploy i am getting this warning, No valid config data found to send audit log event for deployment. so i did the below 1. aio app config set log-forwarding? select log forwarding destination Adobe I/O RuntimeLog forwarding ...
Hi All We have site in the production preview environment assuming url as prev-www.testsite.com/global The site loads fine with all the path example 1. prev-www.testsite.com/global/about2. prev-www.testsite.com/global/community. And the request is not working only for a specific path (prev-www.tests...
Hi, Can we write into /home/users using ServiceResoruceResolver in AEM 6.5? My understanding is we have to use Adminstrative session to write into /home/users but wanted to confirm. Regards,Kishore
AEM persisted GraphQl querry is working as expectedhttps://author-zzz-zzz.adobeaemcloud.com/graphql/execute.json/folder/persisted-querry-name;path=CF_path Similar to magento graphQL I want to use my custom query like below in url insted of persisted query and hit graphQL API in AEM. Currently belo...
Using AEM Sites 6.5, I have incorporated a custom authentication solution into my website. It revolves around MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) and asking users to login with their Microsoft accounts. When intercepting requests, detecting that the user is not logged in, and asking them to logi...
Hi, I have created a AEM component with aem as clod services that contains a rich text editor in the dialog and a multifield dropdown. I have written a Sling model to handle the rich text formatting and logic to retrieve and use the selected dropdown value. However, I am facing an issue where the dr...
Dear All, I have below regex for creating article Content Fragment new RegExp("\\/mnt\\/overlay\\/dam\\/cfm\\/admin\\/content\\/v2\\/createfragment.html\\/content\\/dam\\/content-admin\\/(\\w)+\\/articles\\/[\\w|-]+\\/[\\w|\\s|-]+\\/([\\w\\d]){4}(\\/(\\w)+)?"); When we try to create the article CF u...
Hello guys , I need help regarding a requirement to run a scheduler to perform a common query on a path each day , every month . For eg -- 1) run query on path1 -- day 1 on every month2) run query on path2 -- day 2 on every month3) run query on path3 -- day 3 on every month I am following this b...
Hi, Currently i am trying to migrate assets and its metadata with smart crop images from one aem cloud instance to another aem cloud instance. I can able to fetch the asset and its metadata from the source aem folder. would like to know is there any api we can use to fetch the smart crops also? When...