Hi, I added rte(rich text editor) to meta data properties of dam asset image. But I'm not able to edit nor save the properties as it is throwing error. It shows unable to edit properties insuffucient permissions.I checked permissions and all look good I have access and I'm able to save other pr...
Hi @AmitVishwakarma , There is no exclusion tag supported inside plugin tag. This is a plugin in which we are trying to remove a dependency from. I don't see there is a property or a tag to exclude dependency inside a plugin tag. We are not able to manually download because mvn rep...
Hi @anupampat , We are not explicitly mentioning this dependency in our pom, it is a transitive dependency of "content-package-maven-plugin" plugin. so I'm not able to find a way to exclude this dependency from this plugin.
Hi, while building the project I was not able to get maven to download org.apache.sling.commons.json dependency package which is being used by content-package-maven-plugin as our cyber team has blocked the access to mvn repository and all the vulnerable packages that have critical and high status. ...
thanks for the reply I gotta check deep.... logs above show some rendition is not supported .com.adobe.cq.assetcompute.impl.event.AssetComputeRenditionEventImpl Asset Compute worker failed to generate rendition for asset '/content/dam/test-webp.webp', processingId: 'f9ead0b6-f21e-42a3-be9b-50a2
Im trying to upload webp extension images in dam assets but its showing process failed after loading. Here is some info from logs : com.adobe.cq.assetcompute.impl.event.AssetComputeRenditionEventImpl Asset Compute worker failed to generate rendition for asset '/content/dam/test-webp.webp', processi...