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WebP images process failed in assets AEMAACS


Level 1

Im trying to upload webp extension images in dam assets but its showing process failed after loading.


Here is some info from logs : 


com.adobe.cq.assetcompute.impl.event.AssetComputeRenditionEventImpl Asset Compute worker failed to generate rendition for asset '/content/dam/test-webp.webp', processingId: 'f9ead0b6-f21e-42a3-be9b-50a22f0c527e', Reason: 'RenditionFormatUnsupported', Message: 'Format pdf is not supported for webp files'.
26.07.2024 09:57:53.760 [cm-p92656-e857903-aem-author-65df8bc8c6-zstqg] *INFO* [sling-cq-asset-processing-1-adobe-io-assetcompute-events-consuming-job] com.adobe.cq.assetcompute.impl.event.AssetComputeRenditionEventImpl Asset Compute worker failed to generate rendition for asset '/content/dam/test-webp.webp', processingId: 'f9ead0b6-f21e-42a3-be9b-50a22f0c527e', Reason: 'RenditionFormatUnsupported', Message: 'Text extraction (fmt=txt) is not supported for webp files'.

test-webp.webp' hasn't finished processing since not all renditions ready, processingId: f9ead0b6-f21e-42a3-be9b-50a22f0c527e

test-webp.webp was not processed because it is not a supported file format!.
 There are 1 upload failure messages test-webp.webp was not processed because it is not a supported file format!]
Unable to find Scene7 asset by path '' or filename 'test-webp.webp'
test-webp.webp was not processed because it is not a supported file format!' for asset: 






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1 Reply


Level 8

I tried this on my local which worked fine. Do you have some custom processing profiles defined or have dynamic media integration in place ?