Hi All,I am new to workflows in cq and i have written simple workflow with two steps one is participate and another one is process step.In the process step i have written code to set the property on jcr:content node of page.After completion of the action mentioned in the process step also workflow s...
On this site: http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgrFor the configuration name as Day CQ Analytics SiteCatalyst HTTP Client, I would like to retrieve the "data center url" value from the java code. Is there a way to do it? And how?Thanks in advance!
Hi thereI’ve written a custom SlingServlet that transforms custom XML feeds into RSS format. I’ve deployed the servlet and can hit it directly when logged in into AEM via a URL like http://localhost:4502/bin/wcm/external-feeds/transform?urlParam1=abc&urlParam2=xyz. That call returns an xml documen...
Why is it that adding tags to content causes warnings in the error log? When I go to page properties of a Geometrix page and add a tag to a page, the following warning appears in the error log. In this example I added the ootb orientation tag:19.12.2013 16:27:18.022 *WARN* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [13874884...
Hi All,Facing some issue on form submission.Once we submit the form from publisher , it is getting blocked on replication.Checked the logs and find the below error 19.12.2013 11:49:21 - ERROR - Publisher1_Agent : << error: com.day.cq.replication.ReplicationException: Repository error during page imp...
Hi , I have a question.using url : http://localhost:4502/content/dam/FinanceCorp/en_US/img.xml , I am able to fetch jcr:data (base64String format of image) for each imageThis takes time to load all the data.But, If I use url : http://localhost:4502/content/dam/FinanceCorp/en_US/img.infinity.json , ...
Hello,I have configured Dispatcher but does not worked. Please see the dispacher.log,I have tried the http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/deploying/dispatcher/disp_tshoot.htmlhttp://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/dispatcher-faq.html [Fri Dec 27 01:30:08 2013] [D] [18897(140601249785824)]...
In our CQ 5.6 author instance we have multiple websites. Our authors are complaining that the content finder does not seem to include listings from every site. Also the search feature within the content finder does not include results from every website. If I search under the "Images" or "Pages" tab...
Some of our components (which are not cq:included as part of a template or another component) are displaying the 'Fixed Component' message when attempting to move/reorder them on the page. This only occurs if the cq:layout is set to rollover. If set to editbar, there is no frame to grab to even begi...
HiI'm experiencing a big performance problem on query performance on a CQ 5.4 instance.Some info:CQ 5.4 - all hotfixes appliedrepository.xml and workspace.xml optimizations done (index cache set to 150000), bundle cache size to 1024 Mb... even indexInMemory set to true (is it doing something really...